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The next day the typhoon was still going strong. So Jungkook and Wren took to the gym to practice together. 

Wren was glad when he'd brought up boxing at breakfast that morning, needing a distraction. She was going a little insane being cooped up inside. Getting her energy out would be sure to help. So after Wren did some homework and Jungkook caught up on some work stuff, the afternoon rolled around and the two wrapped their hands to head into the gym to do some routine exercises. 

Wren naturally started helping out with Jungkook's form, critiquing him in certain areas. They fell back into their routine they'd had before she'd left and it was easier than she would've thought. The familiarity rather unexpected. She hadn't realized how much she'd enjoyed teaching him until revisiting it again and feeling the light heartedness in her chest. She was starting to think she liked teaching, which was a bit unexpected for Wren. 

"Good, that jab was much better," she encouraged as Jungkook swung and hit the punching bag with his right fist. 

He'd worked up a pretty good sweat already after an hour, his brow beading with perspiration. 

"Thanks," he said, his breath ragged. 

"Want to keep going or do you want a break?" she asked, passing him his water. 

"The internet is back on right now so I think I'm going to check on a few things. Maybe we can start up again later?" 

"Yeah sure," Wren said. 

They put the equipment away and turned out the lights in his home gym before heading back into the living room. He plopped down on the couch and he pulled out his phone. 

He then spent the next several minutes texting his loved ones, making sure they were alright. 

Wren went to check on her rabbit. One she saw Kookie was doing alright she padded into the kitchen to find herself a snack, feeling a bit guilty that she hadn't reached out to any of her family members to let her know she was okay. 

Wren bit her lip, glancing back over at Jungkook who was still on his phone. 

Maybe she should send a message to Sang, letting him know she was okay at least. But she didn't want them to get her phone number and track her down so she decided maybe an email would be safest. 

Wren finally decided she was going to do it, and took out her phone. She hit her email icon and started typing out a quick message to Sang. 

I just wanted to let you know I'm alright. I miss you and hope all of you are okay. 

~ Wren

Wren sucked in a deep breathe and when she exhaled she sent it. She shoved her phone into her pocket again, not wanting to see the reply. She'd done what she needed to do. Now she could stop feeling guilty. 

"Everyone alright?" Wren asked Jungkook as he came over to the kitchen island and sat down on one of the bar stools. 

"Yeah, so far everyone is fine." 

"That's good," Wren said, running her finger along the lines in the granite countertop. "So what do you wanna do for the rest of the night?" 

Jungkook's brow furrowed and he put his elbows on the table, resting his chin in his hands. 

"Hmmm. . . we could play a game." 

Wren scrunched her nose. 

"Or we could watch a movie," he suggested, seeing she wasn't too fond of the game idea. 

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