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*Trigger Warning* (Kidnapping & Wounds) 

Wren blinked, bright yellow light was suddenly coaxing her awake. She slowly returned to herself and she groaned softly, her head throbbing with a dull ache where she had been struck. Blinking against the bright sunlight, she found herself lying in a bed, the dirty sheets scratching against her skin as she shifted uncomfortably. Slowly, very slowly, everything started to come back to her. 

All the events from the night before. 


The gun. 

Kidnapping her. 

Panic surged through her veins as she remembered everything all over again. She was living in one of her nightmares. This wasn't something she was going to wake up from. 

Her breathing quickened, and her adrenaline started to pump through her veins once more. She tried to get out of the bed, but quickly realized she was chained up. Her arms were behind her, making it very difficult to move in any direction. 

Where was Korian? She thought to herself. Did she have enough time to escape? 

The sudden muted sound of whistling came from outside the bedroom door and it sent a shiver down Wren's spine. He must be downstairs. 

Frantically scanning the room for a means of escape, Wren's eyes landed on a window. With a sinking feeling of desperation, Wren realized she needed her arms in front of her if she had any hope of escaping. Steeling herself for the pain to come, she gritted her teeth and pulled her arms from behind her back to the front with a sharp, agonizing yelp.

As she felt her shoulder pop out of its socket, a wave of nausea washed over her, threatening to overwhelm her senses. But through the haze of pain, Wren knew she had to keep going. Ignoring the searing agony radiating from her dislocated shoulder, she forced herself to focus on the task at hand – escape.

With trembling hands she searched the metal bed frame that held the floppy old mattress she was sitting on. She soon found a loose screw and she reached down, rubbing her restraints on rivets in the screw until eventually they snapped and her hands were free. Wren pushed herself to her feet, every movement sending electric pain lancing through her body. But she knew she had no choice – she had to find a way out of this nightmare, no matter the cost. Gathering all her strength, she took a deep breath and stumbled towards the window, her determination burning bright despite the darkness closing in around her.

Just then the bedroom door opened and Korain walked in to find her  His glasses still so familiar and innocent looking. He looked exactly the same. Just like her neighbor who'd pretended to like her for weeks. Why couldn't he have been as ugly on the outside as he was on the inside? 

"Tsk tsk tsk, looks like someone got out of her restraints. Come on now, Wren. Get back in bed." 

Wren was tried of his games. Tired of this entire thing. 

"You're a monster." She said, glaring at him, and she was surprised by how calm she sounded despite her shoulder burning in utter agony. 

She was not going to let him get close enough to knock her out again. She wasn't going to allow him to finish what absolutely never should've been started. And she wasn't going to allow all the years of fighting she'd learned to go to waste. The whole reason she learned to defend herself was so this exact moment would never happen again. 

"All of us are Monsters, sweetheart. All humans have darkness. Some more than others." 

"My parents will never give you the money." 

He sighed, and leaned against the doorframe like he had all the time in the world. "Well, that's just not true because I've already received word that they're wiring the money to me in the next hour as long as I return you to the drop off location." 

"You're delusional and sick," she spat. 

"I was going to kill you, but it seems they won't budge unless you're alive." He sucked in a breathe. "But there's no need for disappointment. I still plan to get as much out of this as I can." 

He started to unbutton his shirt and walked towards her. "Now, lay down, Wren. Cooperate and things will be easier for you." He was grinning now, and it was the most sickly sweet grin it made her stomach churn. She struggled not to vomit. He took another step towards her but she took a step back, keeping a good ten feet beaten them. 

"Go to hell," she snarled. 

"You've given me no choice then—"

He reached for the gun at his hip. And she spun around. Swung her fist with all her might, summoning every once of strength she could muster, and shattered the glass window. 

It made her knuckles bleed and blood splattered onto her face. But she didn't pay any mind to the crimson dots that sprinkled over her. 

Without a second thought, she jumped. 

She didn't care that it was two stories high. And she ignored the sharp pain in her ankle as she fell and landed on the hard ground. The only thing she could think was that she needed to run. She had to keep going. 

She heard him shouting behind her, then a bullet buried itself in the dirt a foot from her. She yelped, and heard the deafening sound of multiple bullets being let off. But she dodged the spray, left and right, zigzagging until she was able to make it into the safety of the trees. The echo of more gunshots was so loud it hurt her ears. But she continued to ignore them and just kept running. 

She would not let him catch her. 

With each pounding step, Wren pushed herself deeper into the dense thicket of trees and bushes, the undergrowth scratching at her skin like a thousand tiny claws. But she paid no heed to the stinging pain, her only focus on putting as much distance between herself and the nightmare behind her. 

Every breath burned in her lungs, her chest heaving with exertion as she pushed herself unlike she'd ever pushed herself before. Hours passed in a blur of motion and adrenaline. She had no idea where she was going. But she wasn't going to stop until she found a way out. 

As Wren's desperate flight through the forest neared its breaking point, her weary eyes caught sight of something up ahead – a glimmer of something akin to asphalt.  Tears blurred her vision as she stumbled forward, her heart pounding with hope.

Drawing closer, Wren's breath caught in her throat as she realized that what she had seen was indeed a main road, its asphalt surface gleaming in the noonday sun. Beyond it, she could make out the faint outlines of buildings. 

Relief flooded through her, and she nearly broke down sobbing. But Wren's elation was short-lived. A sharp pang of pain shot through her leg, causing her to falter and stumble to a halt. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, she glanced down to see the source of her agony – she was bleeding. 

And not just a little. 

She'd been shot. 

Wren gasped, the adrenaline no longer holding her together. She could feel the pain now and it was excruciating. She let out a painful moan, while tears started to stream down her cheeks. She surveyed the damage, grasping her leg only to end up having her whole hand soaked with her blood. She knew that she couldn't continue on like this, and she had the desperate, horrific thought, that she'd come so close and wasn't going to make it. 

The edges of her vision blurred, and she was too weak to stop the darkness from enveloping her and pulling her into unconsciousness. 

A/N: Don't forget to vote if you're enjoying the story! It helps motivate me to keep going <3 Love you all and thanks for the support. Stay tuned for more! 

~ Sasha xoxo 

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