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A new email caught Wren's attention when she logged in to do her school work the next morning. It was from her school counselor.  

Subject: Bachelor's Degree 

Greetings Wren, 

I seem to still be receiving school assignments from you despite your missing appearance in the community. Your father has requested your diploma be deferred until you are found. We urge you to return in a timely manner so we can give you your degree at graduation in a few months. 

Counselor Park  

Wren's mouth dropped open at the email, pure rage coursing through her veins. He couldn't do that, she thought angrily. The school couldn't put her graduation track on hold, could they? Wren gritted her teeth and shut her laptop, wanting to punch something so badly. 

Her parents were going to try everything they could to get her to come back to them. She couldn't give in. Even if it meant giving up her diploma. She'd have to figure something out. Because no way in hell was she going to cave. She wouldn't be raising the white flag first, they would. 

Wren got up to make herself a cup of coffee just when a knock sounded at her door. Her heart rate sped up at the sound, she always worried she might open it and find police on the other side. But she had to remind herself that if they knew where she was they probably wouldn't have had her school send that threatening email. 

With a sigh she padded over to the front door and opened to find Korain on the other side. 

"Hey, neighbor," he greeted her, wearing normal clothes that morning and not his typical scrub top and bottoms. 

"Hey," she said, and that's when she noticed the plate in his hands. It was a dozen cookies. 

"I brought you cookies," he said, handing them to her. "They're honey cookies. I hope you like them." 

Wren bit her lip, taking the plate from his hands. "You weren't kidding." 

He shook his head, and then gestured to the living room behind her. "Mind if I come in?" 

She stretched the door open wider for him, and he strode in. 

"I figured you wouldn't invite me in, so I would have to invite myself." He smirked and Wren struggled to hold in her smile. She didn't want this guy knowing that she sorta liked him. 

"You're correct, I wasn't going to invite you in." 

"I told you, all my intents are neighborly." 

"A huh," she said in disbelief while setting the fresh cookies onto her countertop. She took the wrap off the top and took a bite. They were still warm and tasted incredible. Sweet and chewy, with hints of vanilla. "Woah, these are good," she said, genuinely surprised.

"Your lack of confidence sort of insults me. Did you not think I could bake?" 

"Well, I don't know. I guess not," she said sheepishly, taking another bite. 

"My mother is a very good cook. She taught me from a young age to bake all sorts of sweet treats." 

Wren was impressed. "If all your baked goods taste this amazing you can bring them over anytime." 

He chuckled. "Noted." 

Wren took a seat at the barstool and gestured for him to take next to her. "You don't have school today?" 

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