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"We found a gym for you to train at," her father told her. And Wren was a little skeptical at first. 


"It's in town, it's called Vera.  I spoke with the owner and he'd like for you to come look at the place today to see if its a good fit." 

Wren nodded slowly shocked to hear such words leaving her fathers mouth. 

"As for your schooling, they've put you back on track to graduate soon so you don't have to worry about deferment." 

"Thank you," she found herself saying. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes between them and Wren hoped this weirdness between them would leave soon. 

"Now, please be careful going out today with Sang," he father said, hesitating a little. 

"I'm not going to run away again, Dad," she promised, standing up from one of the chairs in front of his desk and heading towards the door. 

"Alright, well, still be careful you're all over the news still so paparazzi might be out—" 

"I got it, don't worry," she gave him a final wave, and then escaped out of his office. 

She let out a heavy breathe as she headed down to the front driveway. It had been a weird couple days, being back with her parents. They were tiptoeing around her trying not to say the wrong thing. She wished they would not be so jumpy but she also couldn't blame them. 

But they'd talked, and if they stuck to their promises to let her govern herself more, there would be nothing to worry about. Running away had been in desperation. Her last attempt to live the life she wanted. Now that they were allowing her to do that here she wasn't going to leave again. 

Sang was parked out front in the Porsche and he opened the passenger side for her when she came around. 

"Good morning," he said brightly. 

She smiled at him before slipping into the fine leather of the car, missing her Lambo. 

"When do you think I'll be able to drive again?" she asked as Sang got back into the drivers seat and began pulling away from the house. 

"Hm. I mean your father might let you use the Lambo again in a few months, if your good." 

"I'm going to have to buy my own car," Wren groaned leaning her head back against the headrest."As much as I love that thing, I can't let it control me." 

"It's your kryptonite isn't it?" Sang said chuckling a bit. 

"You know it," she said missing the feel of the gears shifting beneath her hand and feet. Maybe one day she'd be able to afford a car like that. And then she laughed the thought away because she knew that was going to be impossible. 

As they pulled out of the long drive, a group of news cars were parked off to the side of the road. Wren shrunk down a bit as cameras flashed past her window. There were many more people than usual trying to catch a picture of her. 

"Gosh, there's so many of them," Wren commented. 

"Yeah, they all want to get in on the news story." 

Wren sighed. "I hope it dies down soon." 

"It will," Sang sounded confident. 

They made it onto the freeway, leaving behind the reporters and cameras. She finally felt like she could sit up again. 

Sang turned on the dial to the radio and immediately BTS started to play over the speakers. 

She looked over at him, and he was bouncing to the beat. 

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