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*Trigger Warning* (Kidnapping) 

The air hung heavy with tension as Korain led Wren towards the car, the gun being pressed tightly against her head. Wren kept praying someone would pass by them on the trail but she realized very quickly how dark it was now, so no one in their right mind would even be hiking at such an hour. 

Wren's heart pounded in her chest. She was struggling to think what to do when they got back to the base of the trail and to his car. He shoved her against the hood and with a sudden, violent motion and found her phone in her pocket before smashing it against the pavement. The sound of shattering glass echoed through the forest. Wren's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, her breath catching in her throat as she watched her lifeline to the outside world crumble beneath Korain's wrath.

Before she could react, Korain forced her into the passenger seat of the car, his movements rough and unforgiving. Panic clawed at Wren's chest as she finally came to her senses and attempted to fight back. She threw out a leg to try and hinder him but he quickly blocked it. Then she threw a swift uppercut jab trying to hit the gun out of his hands but he quickly subdued her arm and got the gun back to her head. "I will shoot you, Wren." 

She stilled. Worried he wasn't bluffing. 

He pulled out zipties from his pocket and faster than she could blink he bound her with them. She growled in rage, shocked by how strong he was. He had to have been training for this. Because he just blocked her two of her moves with such ease he had to have been studying all her maneuvers. 

As Korain slid into the driver's seat and started the engine, Wren's voice trembled with apprehension. "Why are you doing this?" she pleaded, her words choked with fear. "What could possibly be the reasoning?"

A chilling smile crept across Korain's face as he turned to face her, his eyes glinting with malice. "I've been a fan of your previous captor," he admitted, his voice dripping with sinister intent. "And now, I'm going to finally finish what he started."

Shock and horror washed over Wren as the realization dawned on her. Korain wasn't just a misguided admirer – he was a dangerous copycat, intent on reenacting the horrors of her past. Her breath caught in her throat as the car sped off into the unknown, the road stretching out before them like a path to her worst nightmare. 


They drove for hours and Wren begged and pleaded for him to release her but he just stared straight ahead, ignoring her. 

She honestly had no idea where they were they'd gone so far and so deep up the mountains.  Until finally he turned down a long dirt drive that led to an abandoned house that was barely visible in the darkness.  Its weather-beaten walls and broken windows casting eerie shadows across the desolate landscape. With a firm grip, Korain led Wren inside, her heart pounding with terror as she scanned her surroundings.

As they entered the decrepit interior of the house, Korain wasted no time in securing Wren to a wooden chair that sat in the center of the room. The tight bindings left her unable to move or escape. Panic surged through her veins as she struggled against her restraints, the cold metal digging into her skin as she fought against the overwhelming sense of helplessness.

With a menacing glint in his eyes, Korain disappeared momentarily, leaving Wren alone in the suffocating silence of the abandoned house. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as she waited in agonizing anticipation, her mind racing with fear and dread.

When Korain returned, he was holding a camera in his hands, his expression twisted with sadistic glee. Wren's blood ran cold as she realized his intentions – he wanted to film her, to capture her terror and use it to extort ransom money from her loved ones.

"Why don't you say hello to Mommy and Daddy." 

"Please," Wren begged, her voice trembling with desperation. "Don't do this. Let me go."

But Korain only laughed, his laughter echoing through the empty halls of the abandoned house like a chilling omen of her impending fate. 

"You don't know how long I've waited for this, darling. I've followed you since you were fourteen years old." 

She gaped, shocked by how long he'd been stalking her and planning to kidnap her. 

"You're sick," she spat in his direction and he merely laughed more. 

"Once I get my money I'll make sure to be quick with your death." 

With adrenaline coursing through her veins, Wren realized she needed to fight as hard as she could or she was going to die. So she used all her strength to fight against the restraints with every fiber of her being. She ignored the pain, focused only on the desperate need to break free from the shackles that bound her to the chair. With a surge of determination, she twisted and pulled until the zipties finally gave way, freeing her from their grasp.

"You little..."he growled angrily as she successfully broke free. But before she could fully comprehend her newfound freedom, a sharp blow struck her over the head, sending a jolt of searing pain through her skull. Stars danced before her eyes as darkness engulfed her vision, swallowing her whole as she plummeted into unconsciousness.

In that moment of overwhelming darkness, Wren's world collapsed in on itself, the echoes of her struggle fading into oblivion as she surrendered to the merciless void. All around her, the abandoned house seemed to pulse with malevolent energy, its decrepit walls closing in around her like a suffocating shroud.

A/N: Ugh this is scaring me as I write it. ~Sasha 

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