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The next day Wren stepped into the Vera gym with a sense of anticipation coursing through her veins. As she made her way through the sleek, modern interior, she greeted Kim Chul with a friendly smile, he was sitting at the front desk looking over some paperwork. She knew her excitement must be palpable as she approached the desk. 

"Hi, Kim Chul." she greeted, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Kim Chul returned her smile with a nod of approval, gesturing for her to head into the empty gym. "Good morning, Wren. The equipment is all yours."

"Thank you." She said, feeling the excitement in her chest as she stepped inside. 

As Wren approached the state-of-the-art equipment, she couldn't help but marvel at its sophistication. Each machine was a masterpiece of design and engineering, gleaming under the bright lights of the gym like a row of polished sports cars.

With a sense of exhilaration, Wren began her workout, her movements fluid and graceful as she moved from one piece of equipment to the next. The punching bags were responsive to her every strike, their padded surfaces absorbing the impact with ease.

She tried out the weightlifting machines, feeling the satisfying burn in her muscles as she pushed herself to new limits. And when she stepped into the ring, the smooth canvas beneath her feet felt like a dance floor, her body moving with effortless precision as she sparred with an invisible opponent.

With each punch, each kick, she felt a sense of empowerment coursing through her veins—she could get used to this. And hopefully she'd meet some other gym members soon that would help her keep up her sparring skills. 

When she finished her workout she headed back to the front desk and Kim Chul was still working on his papers. 

"I'm headed out. Thanks again for letting me use the gym." 

"Of course. Would you be open to coming for a private lesson tomorrow?" He looked at her expectantly. 

"Yeah, sure!" She was genuinely getting excited about the idea of being able to go up against someone again. 

"Awesome, I appreciate it. We've had an influx of people requesting private lessons." 

"Well, anything to reserve my spot here. I love the equipment." 

"I'm glad you appreciate it, a lot of hard work was put into making it nice." 

She waved goodbye to Kim Chul and headed back downstairs to where Sang was waiting for her at the curb in the car. TWICE was playing on the speakers so loudly that the car was vibrating. 

"How was it?" Sang asked as he opened her car door. 

"Perfect. It was perfect." She said smiling, and then slid into the passenger seat. 


As Wren made her way into the kitchen after her workout she made herself a quick high protein dinner and was surprised when her mother walk in. 

"How was the gym, sweetheart?" her mother asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Wren's wasn't expecting the tone of genuineness but she took the bait and she replied, "It was amazing. The equipment is top-notch, and Kim Chul is really nice. I think I'm going to love it there."

Her mother's smile widened at her daughter's enthusiasm, a sense of pride evident in her eyes. "I'm so glad to hear that, honey. It's important to find a place where you feel comfortable and supported."

Wren nodded, feeling slightly like she was in the twilight zone. "Yeah, and I'm hoping to start giving private lessons soon. With any luck, I'll be able to afford my own place before long."

Her mother's expression softened with understanding as she reached out to place a comforting hand on Wren's shoulder. "You know you're always welcome to stay here as long as you like, right? We're family, and family takes care of each other."

"Thank you, Mom," she whispered. She still very much needed her own space. A place she could grow on her own. But she appreciated her mother's kindness and her attempt to make her feel like she could stay. 

"I also was going to ask you. No pressure if you don't want to. But me and your father have to go another dinner to discuss the upcoming World Expo this Friday. We would love if you could come. No strings attached. Just want to have a nice night together." 

Wren immediately went on edge, unsure where this was headed. Wondering if this was where it all would crash and burn. 

"And if I say no?" 

"We respect your decision," her mother said firmly. And Wren was suprsried. She softened a bit knowing her mother wasn't forcing her. 

"I'll think about it." 

"There's going to be a seafood buffet." Her mother tacked on. 

Wren paused. She couldn't remember the last time she had a good seafood buffet. After being on her own for a few weeks she'd been reduced down to ramen and convince store food.   

The thought of a premium seafood had her mouth watering. 

"Can I choose my dress?" 


I'm enjoying this way too much. I hope you all are enjoying it too!

~ xoxo Sasha 

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