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Wren made it to the station and with her hood high on her head as she weaved through the early morning crowds. Memories of the kiss that happened only a few hours before was still replaying in her head on loop. The small buzz from the alcohol had officially faded and now that the sun was rising, shining light on her recent decisions she'd made, she had a semi permanent blush on her cheeks. Outside of the haze, thinking about the way he'd kissed her and she'd kissed him back, made her whole body heat. 

Her heart pounded in her chest as she continued to weave through the bustling train station in Busan. Just as she reached the departure board, she decided she'd head towards Ulsan.  Smaller city, maybe it would be easier to hide.

She glanced back for a moment, just on instinct, and wasn't expecting to find anything. But a sense of dread washed over her as she spotted a familiar figure in the distance. 

No it can't be. 

Ice cold fear ran through her blood. A man stood tall and imposing, his gaze sweeping over the crowd with a predatory intensity. It was one of her father's men, sent to bring her back against her will.

"No, no, no," she muttered under her breath. 

With a surge of adrenaline, Wren darted between commuters, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought to stay ahead of her pursuer. Her mind raced as she tried to devise a plan, her thoughts a whirlwind of panic and desperation. 

She turned the corner, heading towards the other end of the train station. 

She made it about fifty yards before it was too late. Before she could reach the safety of the platform, she felt a strong hand clamp down on her shoulder, halting her in her tracks. She spun around, ready to fight him, but she tamped down her survival instincts, not wanting to go to jail for assault today. 

"Going somewhere, Wren?" he growled. 

Wren's heart sank as she realized she was trapped, her escape route cut off by her father's relentless pursuit. She clenched her fists, her mind racing as she searched for a way out of this nightmare.

But as she glanced around the crowded station, she knew there was no hope. More of her fathers men were right behind this guy. And soon she was surrounded on all sides, her fate sealed by the hands of those who sought to control her every move.

With a heavy heart, Wren surrendered to her fate, her shoulders slumping in defeat. Her fight for freedom had come to an abrupt and bitter end.


They took her back to her home. And soon she was back in the lions den. 

Police cars flashed out on the front drive, the mansion bathed in red, white, and blue lights. 

Wren sat in her father's opulent office, her surroundings a stark contrast to the chaos and uncertainty that had consumed her life in recent weeks. The room was adorned with lavish furnishings—a mahogany desk stood at the center, flanked by leather armchairs and bookshelves lined with rare volumes and priceless artifacts.

But despite the grandeur of her surroundings, Wren felt a cold shiver run down her spine as she sat between her two bodyguards, their presence a constant reminder of her captivity. They were her father's loyal enforcers, their steely gazes fixed on her like hawks ready to strike at the first sign of resistance.

As she nervously fidgeted in her seat, the door swung open, and her father strode into the room. Her mother followed closely behind, her face etched with concern as she rushed to Wren's side.

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