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"Hey, Jeongin!" Chinhae yelled, getting both Jeongin's and Chan's attention.

'What the heck could he possibly want from me? He's the one that kicked me out' Jeongin wondered to himself. He noticed that Chinhae was looking at Chan curiously as Chan was glaring back since he remembered what he looked like from when they all went to Seungmin's house.

"Isn't this one of your friends? I see I'm not the only one who cheated. What? Are you using him for money? What's in it for him? I know you aren't-"

"He never cheated on you not that you need or deserve the clarification that he didn't. He's also not using me for anything but I guess you wouldn't know what it's like to actually care about someone."

"Why would you want to be with someone who won't even-" Chinhae stopped when Chan stepped a bit closer and cut him off.

"Relationships aren't just about sex," Chan said in an angry tone, knowing what Chinhae was about to say.

"What else is there? Are you really trying to tell me you aren't trying to do the exact same thing that I was trying to do? You should just stop now, he's a waste of ti-"

Jeongin noticed Chan's fist clench as he raised it to punch Chinhae but Jeongin quickly grabbed it before he could.

"Hyung it's fine. Please don't start a fight, it's not worth it." Jeongin said softly as he enlaced his hand with Chan's, causing him to calm down the tiniest bit.

"You're not worth it." Chinhae laughed back before moving closer to Chan. "You're kinda cute though. Once your done trying with Jeongin you can give me a call." Chinhae winked.

"Jeongin he's begging to be punched," Chan said as he tried to move his hand away from Jeongin but somehow failed.

"Well I sadly have to go now" Chinhae smiled "You can get my number from Jeongin's phone once you get tired of him."

Chan yanked his hand away from Jeongin's but the younger quickly moved in front of him before he could do anything "he's not worth it Hyung, it's fine."

"Innie baby can I please just say something to him real quick?" Chan asked even though they both knew that he wasn't just going to talk to him if Jeongin did let him go.

"Please don't start a fight," Jeongin mumbled quietly, causing Chan to snap out of it and look at the younger, forgetting about Chinhae.

"I'm sorry" Chan apologized, pulling Jeongin into a hug once he noticed that he was pouting.

"If you ever do get tired of me though please just tell me. I don't wa-" Jeongin started to say but Chan quickly cut him off.

"Innie I'm not gonna get tired of you. He was just saying that to get to you."

"Promise that if you ever start getting tired of me that you'll tell me," Jeongin said, ignoring Chan's previous statement.


"Please just promise" Jeongin interrupted, holding his pinky up to make a pinky promise.

Chan didn't want to make this promise because he felt like he would be admitting that there was a possibility that things wouldn't work out between them and even though this was only their first date he didn't want to think about that being possible at all.

Jeongin knew that Chan was a better person than Chinhae in every way possible but he couldn't help but be paranoid. He thought Chinhae truly loved him which turned out not to be true at all and he didn't want Chan to feel the need to lie to him if he ever stopped having feelings and end up cheating on him as Chinhae did.

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