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Jeongin had very mixed feelings about Chinhae meeting his friends. He was surprised that Chinhae had even agreed to meet them in the first place, much less that it would happen with barely any notice.

He was somewhat excited for his friends to meet him but at the same time he was terrified that something bad would happen or Chinhae would say something about them living together which would lead to a lot of questions that Jeongin couldn't very easily respond to considering that his excuse was always that 'his parents said he couldn't.'

Not that it matters because he can't cancel on them now. He just hoped that everything will go well. It was almost eight so Jeongin finished getting ready before Chinhae came home and drove both of them to Seungmin's house.

Chinhae looked somewhat annoyed by the fact he had to go but Jeongin didn't think much about it since he was ranting, trying to tell Chinhae about all of his friends and warn him that Felix may or may not ask him some weird questions. And Seungmin might give off the impression that he hates him but he doesn't.

Once they got there they knocked on the door which was opened by Felix, causing Jeongin to sigh.

"Hi! I'm Felix. Nice to meet you. Who's your bias in Twice?"

"Felix that's not even a relevant Question," Seungmin said as he grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the doorway so they could come inside.

"It is relevant. This is how I can tell if he's gonna make a good friend or not." Felix whispered.

"What's Twice?" Chinhae asked, causing Felix to gasp dramatically.

"I regret this already" Jeongin said.

"That's not a good answer. It's okay though, we can fix it."

Felix gave Jeongin a hug, one, because he wanted to and two, because he wanted to see Chinhae's reaction. Not that there was one since he didn't seem to care at all. Which Felix just took as him not being the jealous type which was good for him considering that he is clingy with everyone.

They walked into the living room where everyone else was as everyone introduced themselves to Chinhae. Jeongin meanwhile, was looking around for Chan and pouted when he didn't see him in the kitchen or living room. He wanted to ask someone where he was but everyone was having their own conversations so he decided to just wait.

A few seconds later he felt someone poke the side of his face and he looked over to see Chan who he immediately hugged.

"Why were you pouting?" Chan asked as he hugged him back but then before moving away once he saw who he assumed to be Jeongin's boyfriend looking at them.

"I thought you decided not to come" Jeongin explained "you barely text me anymore and I missed you."

"I missed you too...I'm guessing that's your boyfriend?" Chan asked looking towards Chinhae who looked like he wanted to punch Felix in the face "You might wanna go save him from Felix." he laughed.

"Yeah probably" Jeongin said with an awkward laugh "come with me though."

He loosely took Chan's hand and pulled him along with him to where Felix and Chinhae were sitting.

"Have you guys kissed yet?" Jeongin heard Felix ask him.

"You do realize that we've been dating for a year and not two weeks right?" Chinhae replied.

"I don't know how often you guys get to see each other" Felix shrugged.

"What do you mean we l-" Jeongin cut off his boyfriend before he could say anything else.

"Chinhae Hyung, this is Chan Hyung. Chan Hyung, this is Chinhae."

"Hi" Chan said to him politely and Chinhae just waved back.

"Jeongin, I know you warned me that I was going to get interrogated but can you please tell him to leave me alone?" Chinhae asked him.

"Fine, I won't ask you any more questions" Felix rolled his eyes. "Time to teach you the members of Twice."

"I think we should watch a movie." Jeongin said, trying to distract Felix.

"Smart." Seungmin agreed, as he turned on the tv and pulled Felix closer to him so he would leave Chinhae alone.

Jeongin sat down next to Chinhae and Chan sat down beside him as Seungmin put on a random movie.

Chinhae was on his phone most of the movie, smirking from time to time but no one else seemed to notice besides Jeongin and possibly Chan since he kept looking over at Jeongin who looked like he could fall asleep at any moment.

Chan had been wanting to move Jeongin's head onto his shoulder for the past 15 minutes so that he would stop fighting his sleep but he couldn't. That should be his boyfriend's job. But his boyfriend was to absorbed in his phone to realize.

Finally, Jeongin laid his head onto Chinhae's shoulder and accidentally glanced at the olders phone when he did.

This is so much work for a stupid bet it better be worth it

I'm sure it will be. If not just make him feel guilty about it lol

Ig so

"Jeongin move" Chinhae said once he noticed him after a few seconds and moved Jeongin's head away from his shoulder.

"Hyung, what kind of bet did you make?" Jeongin asked quietly, not wanting any of their friends to overhear them.

"Why the hell did you read my- I mean, it's just some dumb bet with my friend at work. Don't worry about it."

"Okay. Sorry." Jeongin replied, not wanting to bother him any more about it. He was kind of suspicious of it but he didn't want to ask about it when they were still around their friends and he was too tired to think too much into it anyways.

Chan, who had seen and heard everything that had just happened quickly concluded that he did not like Chinhae. Not that his opinion mattered that much since he couldn't choose who Jeongin dated...if he could Jeongin would be in his arms right now peacefully sleeping as he should be.

'I shouldn't do it' Chan thought to himself but then looked over at Jeongin again who was struggling to keep his eyes open, 'freak it.'

Chan moved over closer to Jeongin than moved his head onto his shoulder.

"Please go to sleep Innie."

"Thank you" Jeongin mumbled before wrapping his arms around Chan's waste and closing his eyes.

'I'm really making this more difficult for myself aren't I?' Chan thought to himself as he glanced down at Jeongin

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