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"Jeongin?" Chan asked as he looked at the younger, extremely concerned "what are you doing here? It's freezing outsides. Why would you walk here by yourself so late? You should have texted me. Why do you look like you've been cr- wait I'm sorry, come inside first."

Jeongin silently walked inside as Chan closed the door behind him and was surprised to feel arms wrap around his waist and Jeongin's head burry into his shoulder.

"Innie you're freezing. Can I make you some tea or something please?" Chan asked but felt Jeongin shake his head no then move away

"I'm sorry for randomly coming here" Jeongin apologized, his voice almost sounded weak and it was breaking Chan's heart.

"It's perfectly okay I was still awake anyways and I don't mind you being here. Can I make you hot chocolate or something please?"

"I don't want hot chocolate though...do you have soju?"

"Jeongin it's 2 am and you just showed up at my house crying. You're not drinking alcohol."

"Channie please? just a little bit? It'llmake me feel better."

"Innie baby, can you please tell me what happened?" Chan asked softly, ignoring his questions.

"I don't wanna talk about it right now" Jeongin mumbled.

"Okay, I'm not gonna force you to" Chan replied as he grabbed Jeongin's hand and pulled him over to the couch before wrapping a blanket around him and making him sit down. "But you're also not drinking alcohol"

"Fine" Jeongin agreed as he looked up at Chan.

"Are you tired? You can go sleep in my bed if you want to. I can sleep on the couch."

"I'm not tired yet and I can sleep on the couch Hyung. I'm the one who barged in here. But you don't have to stay awake with me. You should go to sleep but can I borrow a phone charger before you go?"

Chan pointed to the ground beside Jeongin, "there's a charger there and I'm not tired yet either." he said as he sat down beside Jeongin. "Do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Can we just listen to music instead?" Jeongin asked, not in the mood to try to watch a movie at the moment.

"Sure" Chan responded as he grabbed his phone and put on a calm playlist.

"I'm sorry again, I know you said it was okay but I'm still probably annoying you. I should have just let- I mean, stayed at home."

"You aren't annoying me. It's kinda lonely at 2 am. It's nice to have company."

"Can we cuddle?" Jeongin asked and Chan immediately responded by moving closer and wrapping his arms around the younger.

"You're cute."


"Yes. Chinhae probably tells you that all the time though right? I know I would if I was dating someone as cute as you."

Jeongin tensed up a bit at what Chan said, really just hearing Chinhae's name was enough to make him uncomfortable and somewhat guilty the more he thought about it.

"Sorry" Chan apologized, thinking that the reason why Jeongin was visibly tensed up.

"No, It's okay Hyung. Let's talk about something else though. Are you doing anything tomorrow?" Jeongin asked, trying to change the subject but for some reason the question made Chan look a bit shocked.

"I- umm I'm actually supposed to be going on a date tomorrow but I can cancel and stay here with you inste-"

"No. You shouldn't cancel your plans just because of me. I was planning on going to Seungmin's house anyway."Jeongin explained.

"Are you sure? It's not that big of a deal if I cancel."

"It would be rude to cancel the day of the date. Who are you dating? Tell me about them." Jeongin said but for some reason, he felt a bit sad by the fact that Chan was going on a date with someone.

"I don't know yet. Felix set me up with someone and told me where to meet them tomorrow so I guess I'll find out then"Chan explained.

"Oh, that sound like fun. Hopefully you end up liking each other."

'But why does part of me hope that you don't?'

"Yeah, hopefully" Chan said as he looked down at the younger. 'But I doubt I'll like them as much as I like you'

"Channie Hyung, you're staring at me." Jeongin said as he looked back up at Chan.

"Yeah I know. Can I take a picture so it lasts longer?"

"I'm a mess right now. My eyes are puffy and my hair is a mess."



"Fine" Chan sighed dramatically as he ruffled Jeongin's hair a bit as his eyes flickered down to his lips but he quickly made himself look away from them, saving himself from doing something that would most likely make Jeongin hate him.

"Are you still not tired yet? You should try to sleep soon" Jeongin pouted at him, making Chan glance back down at his lips for a split second.

'Please stop looking so freaking kissable please'

"I'll go to sleep once you do." Chan responded

"Then I'll go to sleep now" Jeongin tried to remove his arms from around Chan so that he could lay down on the couch properly to sleep and so Chan could leave to go up stars but Chan pulled him back towards him.

"I'm comfortable though."

"I am too but we have to go to sleep eventually dummy. You have a date tomorrow. You can't be sleep deprived."

"If we're both comfortable then why not just fall asleep here?" Chan asked.

"I mean...I guess so? It's your house so I guess you can sleep there ever you want to."

"Goodnight" Chan said , not moving from his spot on the couch as he closed his eyes.


'I'm kinda happy that Seungmin and Felix didn't respond.' Jeongin thought to himself before falling asleep within a few minutes.

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