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Felix and Seungmin started to become worried again when it was 3 pm the next afternoon and they hadn't seen Jeongin at all that day. Both of them understood he needed some space and they were trying not to be nosy but they couldn't help but worry about him.

"Seungmin please let me go check on him? We should at least make sure that he's at least still in the room. How do we know that he didn't just leave last night? Chan said to make su-" Felix got cut off by Jeongin's door finally opening as Jeongin walked out and went straight into the bathroom, the older two heard the water running a few minutes later.

"He's...still in the apartment," Seungmin said, not knowing if saying that "he's okay" would be an accurate statement at the moment.

"His eyes looked puffy" Felix pouted.

"Lix you saw him for like 2 seconds."

"Yeah and he looked sad in those 2 seconds," Felix explained.

The two continued talking to each other until Jeongin walked out of the bathroom wearing a new hoodie and pair of sweatpants and now Seungmin could see what Felix meant... he looked like he had been crying the entire time he had been in his room.

"Hey Innie" Felix tried to greet but Jeongin was already back in his room before he could finish speaking. "Oh okay."

"He'll talk to us when he wants to...or Chan. Whoever he feels more comfortable talking to but if he wants to be alone we shouldn't bother him too much."

"He doesn't even know what happened yet though...and Chan said to not let him have too much alone time Seungmin. He needs some but sitting in a room all day crying also isn't good for him." Felix explained before walking over to Jeongin's room and softly knocking before opening the door.

"Yeah?" Jeongin asked quietly, not looking away from the ceiling which he was starring at.

"How are yo- that's a dumb question never mind...are you ok- that's also stupid, sorry. Do you wanna talk about anything? Or do something that could take your mind off of it?" Felix questioned as he sat down next to where Jeongin was laying.

"Did I do something to make Chan not trust me?" Jeongin asked quietly, confusing Felix.

"What do you mean?"

"Chan drove here and told me what happened last night. I know you already know about what he did but I don't get it. Did he think that I was going to try to stop him or get mad if he told me what he was doing?"

"I honestly don't think Chan even knows why he didn't tell you," Felix explained with a sigh as he laid down next to him, now also staring at the ceiling.

"I know I said stuff about wanting to go back to Chinhae but it was only because I was sad and wasn't thinking straight. If Chan would've told me what he was doing I would've been okay with it but I don't like that he did something like that behind my back."

"Not sure if this will change things at all but he was really worried. I know that's still not an excuse but I think he just wanted to make sure nothing bad could happen to you again as soon as possible...maybe he was scared that you would try to stop him." Felix said.

"Why would he think that though? I made it obvious that I don't like Chinhae anymore. I hate him. I'm happy that I don't have to worry about him bothering me again but I still don't understand. Even if he didn't tell me until after he got mad at me it would've been fine but he waited to tell me until after he had already gotten the restraining order."

"You know how Chan gets jealous sometimes? Like when we cuddle or when Hyunjin jokingly flirts and stuff?"

"Mhm," Jeongin hummed in response, waiting for him to elaborate.

"Maybe he's a little bit insecure... you're his first serious relationship. He could have an irrational fear that you would get mad and go back to Chinhae.

"It still doesn't make sense. Chan isn't even comparable to Chinhae, why would he be insecure?"

"I said irrational Innie, it's not supposed to make sense to you but it makes sense to him."

"I wish he wasn't insecure." Jeongin said as Felix laughed a bit, "what?"

"Nothing but he probably thinks the same thing about you. Chinhae ruined your self-confidence and even I am mad that I didn't notice or do anything about it. I know Chan wishes that he could make all of your insecurities go away too."

Jeongin thought back to when Chan made him sit in front of a mirror and let him point out everything he liked about Jeongin.

"Is there anything I could do to help him feel less insecure?"

"I'm sure there is but that's something you and Chan have to talk about. I can't answer everything for him."

"Thank you."

"If course, normally I'm not good at conversations like this but you can still always talk to me about anything" Felix smiled, "do you wanna do something besides starring at your ceiling now?"

"Sure" Jeongin smiled softly, thinking that it would be a good idea to think of something other than Chan for a little bit.

"Seungmin get in here we're having a twice marathon!" Felix yelled, not wanting to get up from the bed.

"We had a Twice marathon last time. We are listening to day6." Seungmin stated as he walked into the room.

"But we need happy music." Felix pouted.

"Day6 has happy music. You just don't listen to them enough to know, sadly."

"Fine, play happy day6 songs" Felix agreed as Seungmin found a playlist before sitting down next to Felix on Jeongin's bed.

They all laid there listening to music and talking about random things for what felt like minutes but was really hours.

'I really missed hanging out with them like this' Jeongin thought to himself, he felt a lot better after his conversation with Felix. He of course had still been thinking about Chan but the situation made a lot more sense to him now.

Felix was in the middle of telling them about some stupid thing he and Jisung had done a week ago when Jeongin felt his phone buzz so he pulled it out of his pocket to check it.


Just thought that I'd let you
know that Changbin and I are
going to Chinhae's rn

I'll let you know when
we get back to my house

I love you ❤️

Can you come to
Seungmin's after instead?

We should talk



Yeah of course

I'll let you know when I'm
on my way there

this might be the only update this week bc i have exams :((

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