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The next few days went well..meaning that Jeongin hadn't seen or run into Chinhae anymore and he had been visiting Chan pretty much every day.

Changbin and Hyunjin even came to visit Jeongin and Minho while they were at work. Jeongin however noticed how Changbin would glare at him when Hyunjin smiled at him or called him cute but he decided to ignore it and just ask Chan about it some other time.

Once Hyunjin and Changbin left, Minho started laughing a bit.

"What?" Jeongin asked, glancing over at him.

"Nothing!.. Changbin is just really obvious" he mumbled.

"Changbin what?" Jeongin questioned, being able to hear only the first part.

"I didn't say anything about Changbin but can you do me a really big favor?" Minho asked, looking around the shop again, seeing that there were only a few customers and they were going to be closing in about 30 minutes.

"What is it?"

"Can you close up without me?"

Jeongin looked at the time on his phone then back to Minho "I don't mind. Where are you going though?"

"Dori-" Minho started to explain but Jeongin stopped him before he could start ranting about his cats.

"Nevermind just go."

"Thank you" Minho smiled at him and handed him the keys "bye Jeongin!"

Jeongin waved bye to him then started cleaning up since it was almost closing time. He had to take a couple more orders from people before eventually everyone left.

Chan had texted him earlier asking if he could hang out after work and Jeongin, of course, said yes.

He locked the door behind him and was about to text Chan and tell him that he was on his way but heard someone say something from behind him, scaring him slightly as he turned around to see who it was.

"Hey, Jeongin."

"What do you want?" Jeongin asked, backing away from Chinhae a bit so that he wouldn't do anything stupid like he did last time.

"I won't do anything. I just wanna talk to you" Chinhae explained as he touched Jeongin's shoulder, causing him to tense up which made Chinhae chuckle softly.

"I don't trust you and I don't have time to talk to you I have to go somewhere."

"You aren't near as nice to me as you were when we were dating." Chinhae frowned, grabbing Jeongin's hand preventing him from walking away.

"Chinhae let go." Jeongin said. Trying his best to continue as if he wasn't terrified right now.

"Or what? Are you gonna call your new boyfriend to come beat me up again?" Chinhae asked, ripping Jeongin's phone out of his grasp "oh no I guess you can't."

"Why can't you just leave me alone? You don't even care about me so what do you want?" Jeongin asked, trying not to cry but he was so tired of Chinhae harassing and stoking him that tears started streaming down his face anyway.

"Stop crying" Chinhae whipping Jeongin's tears away...or at least he tried to before Jeongin moved away from him causing the older to roll his eyes before continuing. "Of course I still care about you, why would you think otherwise? We dated for years. Feelings don't just go away that quickly. I know you still love me."

"No. I don't. And you obviously don't still love me either considering the fact that you cheated on me."

"I had a perfectly good reason to do so. It doesn't mean that I don't love you. Please come back home. I'll let you continue working this time. Everything can go back to normal."

"I don't care I love Chan and I don't want to go back to that stupid apartment that you locked me up in for so long."

"What happens when he gets tired of you like I did? Who are you going to go to then Innie? He might have feelings for you right now but he's gonna get tired of you just like I did. But lucky for you I still need you and I know you still love me so I'm being nice and letting you come back."

"You don't even make sense," Jeongin said, trying to pull his wrist away again. It was just his luck that the one time he had to lock up by himself there were absolutely no people around.

"Jeongin sweetie compare yourself to Chan for a second. Can you even tell me a single reason why Chan would ever want to be with you? He's just using you and you're just going to be a huge disappointment to him just like you were to me. The only difference is that I forgive you. Chan isn't going to. He hasn't known you for as long as I have and he could probably date anyone he wanted to so why would he ever chose you?" Chinhae asked, hoping that he said enough to get Jeongin to give up.

At this point, Jeongin was sobbing. He didn't even care about getting his phone back from Chinhae anymore. He just wanted to get as far away from him as possible.

He roughly pulled his arm away from him, succeeding this time.

"I still have your phone idiot. If you try to run away I'll smash it on the ground."

"Then do it." Jeongin replied, quickly getting as far away from Chinhae as he could.

Chinhae through Jeongin's phone which had been blowing up with texts and calls from Chan almost the entire time they were talking and slammed it onto the concrete. Before sighing and walking away. Deciding that he was done trying for now.

'I'm so tired of this' he thought as he roughly whipped the tears off of his face. 'He's right though, why would Chan want to date me? Why am I even trying to convince myself that it's gonna last? He's gonna get tired of me.' Jeongin questioned.

'I just want to forget everything'. he thought as he stopped running and looked up and saw a bar in front of him 'Perfect.'

hii i'll probably post the Q and A either tomorrow or the next day...thank you for all of your questions💕

also i'm sorry for all the angst 😭 i promise it will get better

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