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-not proofread-

Jeongin had finished explaining everything to Felix and answered all of the questions that Felix had about it. After he convinced Felix to not hunt Chinhae down, all three of them made some food and sat down in Seungmin's living room since Chan had already left to go home after the mall.

"I think Channie Hyung implied that I could move into his house," Jeongin said casually, bringing it up because the awkward conversation wouldn't leave his mind and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

"He what?!" Felix asked, looking over at Jeongin with wide eyes.

"I think he was joking but I said that I wanted to steal Berry and he said the only way I could have her is if I lived with him and I was like 'okay bet.' jokingly but then he looked like he may have seriously been thinking about and said that he had a guest bedroom," Jeongin explained.

"Why the heck would you sleep in the guest bedroom?"

"I think he's just trying to not make him uncomfortable or push anything but at the same time, you guys JUST start dating." Seungmin stated but then noticed Jeongin's small pout, "are you actually thinking about it?"

"No! Of course, I'm not but if I were actually thinking about it...I really like spending time with Channie but what if he changes his mind?"

"About what?"

"Wanting to hang out with me all the time and just liking me in general. That's what happened with Chinhae and I don't want Chan to end up hating me."

"Innie you don't have to make that decision right now or anytime soon if you don't want to but you need to stop comparing Chan to Chinhae. Chan would never do anything like that and being paranoid all the time won't be good for either of you." Seungmin said, hoping that it didn't come off as too harsh but also wanting to get the point across to Jeongin.

"I know that I shouldn't compare them and that I shouldn't be paranoid. I know Chan is a good person but I thought that Chinhae was a good person too. I can't help it." Jeongin mumbled, "I feel horrible about thinking it but I can't just stop my thoughts."

"Maybe you should tell Chan about how you feel about it. Not right now but whenever you feel comfortable enough to. And I know for a fact that Chan would never cheat on anyone for anything but even if something bad did happen you can always talk to us now. You aren't locked up in an apartment by yourself anymore." Felix replied.

"This conversation ended up becoming a lot more serious than I wanted it to." Jeongin sighed "thank you though. I'm really happy that I get to hang out with you guys now and I'll try to talk to Channie about it...eventually."

"Don't feel the need to rush anything Innie. Chan will wait until whenever you're ready to talk to him. He's a good person to rant to by the way." Felix smiled softly at him as Jeongin just nodded in response.

"You can always talk to us about anything too" Seungmin smiled at him before yawning, "I'm kinda tired though. Is there anything else you wanted to say?"

Jeongin shook his head no before Seungmin and Felix both stood up and walked into Seungmin's room after saying goodnight, leaving Jeongin by himself.

Jeongin wasn't tired since he had fallen asleep during the movie earlier but he had no idea what to do. He didn't feel like watching anything on tv so he ended up going in his room and listened to music while lying on his bed and scrolling through his phone.

After a while, he got bored and was just starring at the ceiling until he heard Chan's song come on which gave him an idea.

Hyung are you awake?

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