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-not proofread-

After Chan and Jeongin went to the park together Jeongin decided to go home. He debated on asking Chan if he could stay at his house again but he didn't want to bother him too much and he had work tomorrow so he decided to just go back to Seungmin's.

He explained what happened the other day with Chinhae and why he had to leave work since he could tell that Seungmin was worried about it. Of course leaving out the parts that he didn't tell Chan, already knowing that he would get the same thing from Seungmin. That Chan isn't the same as Chinhae but he still couldn't help worrying about it.

"So what did you and Chan do today?" Seungmin asked after Jeongin had explained everything, deciding to change the subject as he noticed that the younger kept spacing out.

"We went to the park with Berry and talked for a while but on a completely unrelated note...what are your thoughts on having a dog at your apartment?"

"I'm pretty sure it would cost money to keep a pet here but if you want to pay for it then go for it."

"No" Jeongin sighed "I have to move out of your apartment eventually so I should save up to do that first."

"Or you could move in with Chan who already has a guest room and a dog."

"Seungmin shut up I already miss him."

"Then why did you come back so early?"

"Because he probably has stuff to do and I don't want to bother him."

"What stuff? Is he gonna sleep?" Seungmin asked sarcastically "text him or something. I bet he's gonna answer right away."

"Fine" Jeongin agreed as he took out his phone. "He's not going to though he's probably working."

Hi Channie Hyung ヽ(^o^)

Jeongin texted then turned his phone back off and laid it next to him, not expecting an immediate reply but his phone buzzed and Seungmin smiled at him.

"I told you. I gotta go take a shower now so have fun texting Chan" Seungmin smiled before walking away.

Hey bby boy what's up?

Umm nothing really I just
talked to Seungmin for a while
and now I'm texting you ( ^∀^)

The emoticons-

You're adorable

No, the emoticons are adorable.

Wryd though?

No u 💕

Missing you ;(

You should come back over

Why are you texting so

Dang it I thought I was doing
a good job at impersonating
Chan :(((((

Who are you??

I'm Hyunjin

Do you remember me from
the birthday party and from when
we all hung out?

The short one?

Wait- why do you have
Chan's phone?

ajkjsakjaksj no that's Changbin

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