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-Hyunbin Chapter...kinda-

"Hyunjin, do you like anyone?" Jeongin asked

Hyunjin thought about it for a second before responding...

"No, why?"

Jeongin and Chan both sighed at his response.

"Are you sure?"

"The only people I hang out with are in our friend group. How would I like anyone?"

"You could like someone in our friend group," Chan said.

"I mean- Jeongin's cute but you're already dating him and that would be extremely messed up."

"I'm so close to punching you. You're so dumb." Chan mumbled as Jeongin grabbed his hand with an awkward laugh.

"What about Changbin? You hang out with him all the time." Jeongin hinted.

"I stopped liking him a while ago."

"Stopped? As in you used to like him?" Jeongin questioned.

"Yeah. I tried telling him that I liked him like a year ago but he rejected me so I got over him. So now we're best friends. Just like Changbin wanted us to be."

"Did you really confess? How come i neither of you ever told me?"

"I'll explain what happened."

-flashback to a year ago-

Hyunjin was waiting outside for Changbin after school like he usually would since they lived near each other and usually walked home together but he felt a bit more nervous than usual. He was pretty sure that he made it pretty obvious that he likes Changbin considering how much he flirted with him but he was still scared of saying it out loud. Which is exactly what he was planning on doing.

"Hi Binnie" Hyunjin smiled once he saw him walk out of the school building.

"Hey." He replied dryly.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah sorry, I was just watching a movie in class so I'm kinda tired. Why were you waiting for me? I thought you were asking someone on a date today? Shouldn't you be with that person?"

"I am with that person." Hyunjin explained nervously, "will you go on a date with me?"

He saw Changbin roll his eyes before responding, "I'm guessing the person you were supposed to ask said no."

"So you're saying no?" Hyunjin asked, pouting a bit.

"Hyunjin I know you don't like me. Stop joking around, it's not funny, or cute, or whatever you want it to be. It's annoying."

That hurt.

"What if I did like you?" Hyunjin asked, hopefully.

"Then I would reject you dummy" Changbin laughed it off.

"Oh...Does the flirting make you uncomfortable?" 

"I mean yeah a little bit. It's kinda weird to have your best friend jokingly flirting with you all the time." Changbin explained.

"Sorry, Changbin. I'll stop I didn't know that it bothered you." Hyunjin said trying to cover up the fact that he was about to cry with a forced laugh. "I actually have some stuff to do today so I think I'll just ask Chan to drive me home." He said and walked away before Changbin could say anything else.

-end of flashback-

"Wait was that the day that you randomly got in my car crying and told me to drive you home but you refused to tell me what was wrong?" Chan questioned once he had finished explaining everything.

"Yeah, it was kind of embarrassing when it first happened so I didn't want to tell anyone. I just stopped flirting with him after that then eventually convinced myself that he only liked me as a friend and I couldn't change that. So I stopped liking him like that."

"Hyunjin." Jeongin pouted and stood up to give him a quick hug before going to sit next to Chan again before he got jealous. He was hesitant about doing it in the first place but Hyunjin looked like he needed a hug so he gave him one. "You know his feelings could have changed though, right?"

"It's not worth it. I wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable again." Hyunjin explained with a forced laugh, "can we talk about something else now, please? Also please never tell Changbin about any of this. He would probably hate me."

"Hyunjin no offense but he probably only felt uncomfortable because you flirt with literally everyone. If I were him I wouldn't have believed you."

"No, I don't."

"Do I need to show you your texts with Jeongin?"

"Okay, but he said that he would reject me if I liked him so it doesn't matter."

"You should talk to Changbin."

"I can't. That's literally why I'm here."

"I'll text him for you but you have to promise that you'll talk to him about this." Chan sighed.

"Why would I? It's in the past and I'm over it. We're friends and I don't flirt with him anymore. It would be stupid for me to bring it up."

"Are you really over it?" Chan asked and Hyunjin just stayed silent. "You're talking to him about it."

"I'm scared of talking to him about it." Hyunjin responded.

"I promise everything will work out."

"How do you know?"

"You're impossible" Chan sighed as he leaned his head onto Jeongin's shoulder. "I'm about to just tell him" he mumbled to Jeongin.

"No, don't Hyung. Changbin has to be the one to tell him."

"He's obviously not going to. Neither of them will."

"Hyunjin what if I buy you ice cream?"

"Ice cream isn't worth losing my best friend."

"I'm done," Chan said, pulling out his phone to text Changbin.

"Channie no" Jeongin said, quickly taking it away. "Hyunjinnie Hyung, please?"

"If this goes the way that I think it's going to then completely Chan's fault and you guys both have to deal with a sad Hyunjin until I'm not sad anymore," Hyunjin explained, finally giving in.

"Wouldn't it also be my fault?" Jeongin asked, confused on why all the blame would be on Chan.

"No." Hyunjin and Chan both said at the same time.

"I just texted Changbin," Chan said a few minutes later. "He said he would talk to you so go to his house."

"But-" Hyunjin began but got cut off by Chan and Jeongin grabbing his hands and making him stand up, pulling him towards the door.

"Bye Hyunjin, good luck!" Jeongin yelled before Chan closed the door.

Sorry for the late update :(

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