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-not proofread again bc I'm too tired-

"Because I lo- care about y- nevermind, freak it, because I love you," Chan confessed, after the words came out of his mouth the room became completely silent.

He still didn't regret saying it though. It may not have been the best timing but he's been holding himself back from saying it for what felt like forever.

"Chinhae broke my phone," Jeongin responded a few minutes later. He did feel bad for ignoring Chan's confession but he needed some time to comprehend what he had just said. He could tell that Chan genuinely meant it though. If he compared how Chan just said it to any of the times  Chinhae had said it when they were together there was definitely a difference. And that made him comfortable enough to tell at least part of what had happened the previous night.

"What did he say to you?" Chan asked calmly while trying to ignore the urge to go find Chinhae for messing with Jeongin so badly. He needed to focus on Jeongin first before he did anything about Chinhae though.

"Innie come here," Chan said a few seconds later after he got no response. Jeongin moved closer to him and wrapped his arms around him and laying his head on his chest.

"I'm sorry I've been being a brat." Jeongin mumbled and Chan pressed a kiss onto the top of his head as he continues talking "I know he seems like Chinhae is a horrible person- actually, I know Chinhae is a horrible person but he hasn't always been like that. He used to be caring and I don't know what I would've done without him when my parents kicked me out since Felix, Seungmin, and Jisung all still lived with their parents at the time and I didn't want to bother them."

"Innie breath," Chan reminded him, noticing that his breathing was getting uneven as he started to cry while explaining.

"It's really hard not to believe him when he helped me through one of the worst times in my life. I'm scared that he's somehow right about what he said but I don't want him to be and I definitely don't want to have to go back to living with him" Jeongin sighed as he used his sweater sleeves to wipe away some of his tears.

"You would never have to move back in with him baby. If you ever had to move out of Seungmin's before you had enough money for your own place you could stay here."

"But what if you get tired of me?" Jeongin asked, almost too quiet for Chan to hear.

Chan moved a bit so he was facing Jeongin and leaned in for a kiss "I. Will Never. Get. Tired. Of. You." He said, giving Jeongin a quick kiss in between each word.

"You don't know that for sure though. You can't help if you lose interest and feelings for me over time. It's stupid of me to be this sad about it anyway, it's not like it's something that either of us could control."

"It's not stupid. Don't invalidate your own feelings. I get you wanting to partly believe Chinhae but also think about how much he's lied to you, he's obviously changed a lot since you first met him. And if anything bad ever does happen with our relationship, which I hope nothing bad does happen but you have so many people you could go to that aren't Chinhae."

"Thank you" Jeongin mumbled, going back to hugging Chan, still crying but not as much as he was a few minutes ago. Of course, he was worried but Chan did have a point, if anything did happen he had so many other places to go that didn't involve Chinhae. The thing he was still most worried about was Chan getting tired of him because he really didn't want to lose him but it would also be a waste if he spent all of his time being paranoid about something that could possibly happen.

"I love you," Chan said again, giving him a quick kiss "don't feel pressured to say it back. I'm just happy that I don't have to stop myself from saying it anymore- unless it makes you uncomfortable. If it does then I'll stop."

"It doesn't make me uncomfortable," Jeongin replied.

"Okay good," Chan said with a small smile. "I'm sorry if I stressed you out...I can drive you back to Seungmin's now if you want me to. Please just promise you'll text me if anything is bothering you and-"

"I wanna stay here."

"I was hoping you weren't going to say yes to me driving you there," Chan admitted. "Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

Jeongin shook his head no.

"Do you want to watch another movie? Or we could go somewhere if you would like to."

"Let's just watch another movie. I still kinda have a headache and I'm too comfortable to get up."

After a few minutes of looking through movies, they finally found something to watch and Chan was about to start it but Jeongin stopped him before he could.

"Channie wait- one more thing."


"I love you too."

okay sorry if that seemed rushed

and please make sure you're drinking enough water and eating proper meals. you can pm me if you need or want to talk about anything

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