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-not proofread bc I would definitely end up deleting it if I tried-

"YOU ACTUALLY STOLE CHAN'S DOG?!" Seungmin yelled as he opened the door to the younger's room after knocking and hearing Jeongin say "come in."

Jeongin started laughing at his friend who was now looking back and forth between Jeongin and the dog laying on his bed next to him.

"I wish," Jeongin finally said once he got himself to stop laughing so much about how surprised and confused Seungmin looked.

"What do you mean you wish?! His dog is literally sitting on your bed right now."

"It was only a one-day thing." Jeongin giggled and scratched the top of Berry's head, "Chan is coming over to take her back soon."

"Why did he give you to her for a day? Did Chan do something to upset you again?"

"No he just wanted to hear me sing and this was the agreement."

"That sounds fair," Seungmin shrugged "anyway I have to go to work but I'll see you later."

"Bye Minnie," Jeongin waved as his friend walked out of his room, closing the door behind him.

A few minutes later Jeongin heard a knock on the apartment door and yelled "It's open" since he didn't feel like getting up and he already knew that it was Chan.

"You look so cute," Chan complimented Jeongin who hadn't moved since he woke up and his hair was still messy as he looked at his boyfriend with a pout.

"I think you should leave Berry here longer. Seungmin's has work today. Do you really want to leave me here all alone?"

"Would you like for me to also stay with you?"

"You aren't busy?" Jeongin questioned.

"No, what would I be busy with?"

"I don't know but your text made it sound like you were only coming here to pick up Berry."

"I was planning on it but if Seungmin has work and you don't want to be alone then I can hang out with you. Have you eaten anything yet today?"

"I haven't even gotten up from bed yet."

"Innie it's one in the afternoon."

"Yes, and Berry is laying on my legs and I don't want to make her move."

"You're ridiculous" Chan laughed at him and gently moved Berry off of Jeongin's legs.

Jeongin got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his hair as Chan went into the kitchen to find something to cook for them.

"Hyung do you need any help?" Jeongin questioned as he walked into the kitchen.

"I don't know what to cook."

Jeongin walked past him and looked inside the fridge and pantry to see what food they even had there since usually he, Seungmin, and Felix if he was here would just order something.

"Can I make pancakes?"

"If you want to."

"Will you eat some too?"

Chan nodded in response as Jeongin smiled and started taking out everything to make pancakes.

Once Jeongin mixed the batter together he jumped onto the counter and waited for the stove to heat up.

Chan walked in front of him and squished his cheeks "you're adorable."

"No, I'm not," Jeongin argued and moved Chan's hands away from his face.

Chan frowned at his response and Jeongin immediately noticed and felt bad. He remembered their conversation about Chan wanting to make him feel more confident again but he couldn't even remember what it was like when he used to be. Before Chinhae happened.

He knew he used to not care or even think about his appearance near as much before he met him but getting himself into that mindset again might take a while. They both were aware of that. It just made Chan sad that Chinhae took his confidence away in the first place.

"Thank you though," Jeongin added and leaned forward to kiss Chan, hoping that it would make his frown go away.

Chan kissed back as Jeongin smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around the blonde to pull him closer.

Luckily he hadn't actually started cooking yet because if he had then they definitely would have ended up burning the food.

Chan moved away from the kiss and gently pressed a couple of gentle kisses onto the younger's neck who immediately started laughing and moved backwards away from him.

"That tickles," Jeongin explained before moving forward again and attaching their lips once again.

He loved the feeling he got when they kissed. It wasn't just a sloppy kiss that he was only getting because Chan wanted it to lead to something else. He could tell that it actually meant something to Chan too and it made him unexplainably happy.

"I should probably start cooking," Jeongin said once they had moved away from each other then placed one more kiss on the side of Chan's face before jumping off the counter so he could start cooking.

"Good thing you didn't start cooking yet," Chan said and watched the younger cook, noticing the small smile on his face which made him subconsciously smile while he watched him.

A while later once Jeongin finished cooking they sat together at the small dining table as he carefully kept glancing up at Chan to find out whether or not they tasted okay.

Chan quickly noticed that he kept glancing at him and finally figured out why "It's really good Innie, thank you."

Jeongin smiled once he got the response he was hoping for and continued eating his own food.

They were both happy, really happy.


well anyways

should I do another q and a before this ends?

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