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Jeongin had been at Seungmin's for a little over an hour now and in that time he explained to him what exactly happened. The truth about everything, not just made up excuses.

He wasn't with Chinhae anymore and there was no way he would get back together with him after everything that happened so other than the fact that he was embarrassed to tell Seungmin about all of it, there was no point in lying about it anymore.

Seungmin was mad at first, more towards Chinhae but he was kinda mad at Jeongin too. Jeongin did lie to all of them for an entire year.

But at the same time, he was more worried about him than mad at the moment. He did just go through a breakup and got kicked out of his house.

"Come here" Seungmin said once Jeongin finished telling him everything. Jeongin moved over closer to Seungmin who gave him a quick hug. "Are you okay?"

"Actually, yeah. I should be sad but for some reason I'm not that sad. Thing's with him hasn't been great for a while and even when he did stop being mean it still felt weird. It might sound bad for me to say but I'm... kinda relieved?"

"It's not bad for you to say. I just wish you would have told us sooner before it got to that point."

"I'm sorry" Jeongin apologized. "I was scared of loosing him. I thought things would get better."

"It's fine, just- no more secrets okay? Tell us if theirs something going on" Seungmin said and Jeongin nodded. "You didn't bring any of your things from your apartment with you did you?"

"Umm...no, I wasn't thinking about it at the time" Jeongin explained.

"Do you think we could go grab your things?"

"Minnie, I may or may not have also left my key there."

"I- okay. You can just borrow some of my clothes for now."

"Thank you so much," Jeongin said as he hugged his best friend again.

"Wait- this means you get to work at the cafe again!"

"Yeah, if they are hiring people, I would love to."

"I'm pretty sure they are. I don't have to deal with Minho talking about his cats and Jisung twenty-four-seven alone anymore." Seungmin chuckled.

"So how are you and Felix?" Jeongin asked and Seungmin smiled just by name being brought up.

"Our date went really well. You know that thing he does when he's nervous and he checks his pulse? He kept doing that and it was really cute. Also, I'm in love with his freckles. I just wanna kiss every single one of them. Eww what's happening to me?"

"Aww. That's not 'eww', I think it's cute. I was surprised when you guys first started dating though, it seemed random."

"Yeah, random. I definitely didn't have a crush on him for the past two years." Seungmin replied sarcastically.

"You- what? Really? You never made it seem like you did."

"I guess I was just good at hiding it up until the point where I jokingly asked him on a date" Seungmin shrugged "Anyways. How do you feel about Chan going on a date?"

"Why are you asking me?" Jeongin said with an awkward laugh "It doesn't affect me at all. I am kinda sad that I had to leave his house so soon though."

"Before I found out about Chinhae, I was almost 100 percent sure that you liked Chan."

" Nope. He's just a really good friend."

"Are you sure? You aren't mad about his date?"

"I mean- I'm not mad but possibly a little sad. It's not because I like him though, I just really enjoy hanging out with him."


"I can't like someone else so quickly when I just broke up with someone. Besides, I doubt that Chan actually likes me. He probably only asked to kiss me because it was an 'in the moment thing' Minnie." Jeongin explained.

"If anything you started liking him before you and Chinhae even broke up." Seungmin said and Jeongin just stayed quiet.

"Innie, you should tell him. The kiss wasn't just an 'in the moment' thing, trust me. If you don't tell him soon then he might move on."

"How would you know though?" Jeongin questioned.

"I can't just tell you everything. But keep in mind that Felix, my boyfriend who tells me everything, is also best friends with Chan."

"Minnnieee tell me what you know." Jeongin pouted.

"If you wanna know so badly ask Chan about it."

"That would be weird though. I can't just be like, 'Hey Chan Hyung, my boyfriend just broke up with me. Do you still like me?'"

"Well obviously don't word it like that, idiot." Seungmin rolled his eyes. "Felix was gonna invite everyone over on Friday, maybe you can talk to him about it then."


"You'll figure it out by yourself" Seungmin replied

"Fine, I'll try" Jeongin sighed, even though he couldn't think of any possible way to do so without it being extremely awkward.

'Or maybe I won't.'

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