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-not proofread-

The two eventually went back to Chan's house and decided to listen to some music, meaning that Chan was showing Jeongin some of the songs he had been working on recently.

They were kind of surprised that neither of them had received a text from either Changbin or Hyunjin but they assumed that it was because they made up with each other.

"You're voice is so pretty." Jeongin complimented once they had finished listening to another song.

"Thank you...have you ever tried singing before? I think you would have a nice singing voice too."

"I sing in the shower and stuff but it's not good," Jeongin explained with an awkward laugh.

"Hmm...Can you sing something for me, baby?"

"I will leave and walk back to Seungmin's right now," Jeongin said with a pout which just made Chan smile at him.

"No, you won't you missed Berry too much to leave so soon."

"You're right. I'm gonna go find Berry now since you're annoying." He said and stood up only to get pulled back to sit on Chan's lap.

"Nooo, I'm sorry," Chan said while wrapping his arms around the younger waste ad Jeongin turned around for a quick second to place a kiss on the tip of Chan's nose before leaning back onto his chest since it was surprisingly comfortable.

"Maybe we should stop with the whole kissing every time we say sorry to each other. We're gonna start saying it on purpose."

"No, I like it. Also, you said it again," Jeongin said and simply grabbed one of Chan's hands and kissed the back of it since he was too comfortable to turn around.

"The entire point of it was to get you to stop apologizing for everything though."

"Well, then you should've threatened me with something that I don't like then dummy." Jeongin giggled.

"Well, it worked the first time that I said it." Chan sighed. "We got off-topic. Please sing something?"

"Me singing to someone who sounds like you would be embarrassing. No thank you."




"Hmmm," Jeongin said, fake thinking about it since he was already set on saying no.

"I'll let you take Berry to Seungmin's apartment for a day."

"Seriously?! Why do you want to hear me sing that badly? It's not even gonna sound good."

"So you don't want Berry?" Chan questioned.

"This feels wrong. You aren't supposed to help me steal your dog."

"I'm not. You'd just be watching her for a day."

"Yeah sure. A day."

"I'm going to chose to ignore how suspicious you sound right now. Will you do it?"

"I'm only doing this for Berry."

"Of course you are."

"What do you want me to sing?" Jeongin asked, nervously playing with one of Chan's hands.

"Anything you want."

Jeongin thought about it for a second before deciding to sing the song that Chan had sent them when they first started texting a few months ago.

He sang the first few lines as Chan silently listened.

"See I told you I wasn't good at singing." Jeongin added as soon as he finished singing some of the song "ughhh I wanna go home now. Where's Berry?" he asked, moving his hands up to cover his face which was red from embarrassment.

"You are good at singing. Your voice is really unique. I'm surprised you memorized the lyrics to that." Chan smiled and moved Jeongin's hands away from his face to hold them.

"I listened to it a lot after you sent it to me... It's really comforting." Jeongin explained the last part quietly since he wasn't trying to bring up the past again but he really had used the song as a comfort song when things with Chinhae were stressful.

"I'm glad you liked it so much. But seriously, you should help me record a song some time."

"Definitely not."

"I'll convince you somehow," Chan replied and Jeongin just scoffed in response.

"I should go back to Seungmin's soon. It's getting late." Jeognin said after a few moments of comfortable silence.

"Yeah," Chan said but neither of them moved a muscle. "...Didn't you call my house you're home earlier? You should just stay here."

"I didn't mean to say that."

"You still said it."

"No, because Berry."

"You can co-parent Berry all the time if you move in with me."

"I kinda...not to bring him up again or compare you to him but after what happened with Chinhae I want to wait a little while. I also know you didn't mean it when you called me annoying but I'm still a bit paranoid of you thinking I'm annoying if we spend a lot of time together like that."

"I get it, thank you for telling me. Tell me whenever you feel comfortable."

"I'm sorry."

Chan leaned forward and placed a small kiss on the side of Jeongin's neck. "Don't apologize I can definitely see why you think that it's too soon for that."

They both sat there for another few movements without moving before Jeongin finally decided to get up since both of them were procrastinating and Chan probably had some songs he had to work on.

"I can't believe I actually agreed to let you take Berry." Chan sighed once they got downstairs.

"I can't believe you wanted to hear me sing that badly," Jeongin said as he walked over to the couch where Berry was laying as he carefully picked her up then smiled at Chan.

"I feel like I should give you some sort of instruction but you already know everything."


"I'll go grab some of her food real quick," Chan said, still not being able to believe that he had agreed to let Jeongin take his dog.

I really am in love with him.

okay but imagine Jeongin singing Don't Want to Acknowledge aljbvsbhdfvkjb

I can't write fluff for the life of me but the last couple of chapters are gonna be like this since it's too late for any more angst :((

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