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-not proof read-

Within the past few days, Chinhae was actually being nice and it was confusing Jeongin a lot. He wasn't the same as he was when they first started dating but he could tell that the older was somewhat putting in effort.

He still didn't get home until about 11 or 12 but when he did get home he greeted Jeongin and had a small conversation with him before saying he was tired and going to sleep. Jeongin was happy to see Chinhae putting effort towards fixing their relationship but he still had a strange feeling that things weren't going to get better...or at least that things wouldn't stay better.

'Stop thinking so negatively. You've wanted this for months, you should just be happy about it' he reminded himself.

He still hadn't tried asking about going to the birthday party despite Chan asking him to daily but he was scared of doing something that would cause Chinhae to snap and go back to being mean.

Jeongin was now sitting on his couch and pouting because Chan had to stop texting him in order to finish a song that had to be done by tomorrow morning.

He looked at the time and saw that it was already 11:30 so Chinhae would be home soon.

'Maybe I should just ask him about going to the birthday party.'

A few minutes later Jeongin heard the door open and his boyfriend walked in and kissed his head before sitting on the couch.

"Hey Innie how was your day?" he asked.

"Umm honestly it was kind of boring" Jeongin said while glancing over at him "how was yours?"

"It was okay" Chinhae replied, ignoring the first part of what Jeongin said since he was the one who basically made Jeongin's daily schedule so boring.

"Can I ask you something?" Jeongin questioned "You can say no but please don't umm...get mad." He mumbled the last part.

"I won't" Chinhae reassured with a forced smile "What is it?"

"My friend is throwing a small birthday part for Seungmin, Jisung, and Felix so I was wondering if I could go" Jeongin explained, feeling extremely nervous as he waited a few seconds for a response.

He could have sworn he saw Chinhae roll his eyes at the question but he decided to just ignore it.

Chinhae suddenly pulled Jeongin into his lap which suprised the younger who just showed a confused look.

"How about you stay here and spend some time with me instead? I'm sure we could do something fun" Chinhae explained with a smirk as he rubbed the sides of Jeongin's hips which the younger completely ignored.

"Yeah but it's their birthdays and you have to work during the day so you wouldn't be here anyway." 

"Fine, you can go" Chinhae responded reluctantly.

"Really?! Thank you so much" Jeongin smiled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek before moving off of his lap.

Chinhae scoffed quietly before getting up from his spot on the couch, "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Jeongin."

'He actually said yes' Jeongin thought to himself with a smile on his face 'I get to meet Channie.'

He grabbed his phone and went outside so that he didn't risk being too loud while Chinhae was trying to fall asleep.

Once he got outside he remembered that Chan was trying to work right now and that he should probably just wait until tomorrow to tell him since he was busy but at the same time he couldn't wait that long.

He pressed the call button and frowned when the call was denied.

So he decided to try one more time and if Chan declined it again he would just wait until tomorrow.

After a few seconds of the phone ringing, Chan actually picked up this time.

"Your voice is beautiful and I would much rather talk to you then work right now but I really need to finish this Innie" Chan said in a sweet voice.

"It'll be real quick, I just needed to tell you something" Jeongin said into the phone.

"What is it baby?"

"I can go to Minnie's, Lixie's, and Jinnie's party" Jeongin explained as he heard Chan stay quiet "...Hyung?"

"Really?!" Chan asked happily once he comprehended what Jeongin said.


"I can't wait to finally meet you cutie."

That's when Jeongin realized that Chan still didn't know what he looked like.

'Ughh why do I have to be ugly?'

"I'm not cute but I-I'm excited to meet you too. I'm gonna let you go back to work now Channie Hyung. I'll text you tomorrow."

Jeongin sighed after he hung up due to his realization as he walked back inside and went into the bathroom where he sat on the sink and looked at himself.

'Why do I even care so much about it' he thought to himself 'Chinhae doesn't think I'm attractive but he's still dating me...he did cheat though' he thought as he shook his head, not wanting to think about that at the moment.

'Chan's not gonna stop being my friend just because of how I look.' Jeongin thought '...right?'

He stared at himself in the mirror trying to find at least one thing about himself that he didn't think looked horrible but all he could think of were comments Chinhae had previously made that made him feel even more self-conscious.

'It's just Chan' Jeongin reminded himself again as he hopped down from where he was sitting and walked back into the living room so he would stop stressing out about something that shouldn't matter to him at all.

He ended up playing random games on his phone which luckily got him to stop overthinking everything as he eventually ended up falling asleep.

How is the story so far?

I'm gonna go try to manifest a Felix/ Jeongin photocard ✌️

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