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Jeongin spent the next few days getting settled at Seungmin's house. The next day when he went in to apply for the job the manager immediately recognized him and told him that he could have his job back starting Monday.

He and Chan hadn't texted or talked to each other since Chan dropped Jeongin off at Seungmin's apartment. He felt tempted to text Chan and ask him how his date went but he decided not to since he was going to see him on Friday anyway.

Which just so happened to be today. So he and Seungmin were in Seungmin's room, both trying to find an outfit to wear to Felix's house.

"We should have done your laundry yesterday. You have no more clean hoodies."Jeongin pouted.

"I wonder why" Seungmin replied sarcastically "here wear this," he said, throwing a yellow shirt and some light ripped jeans at him.

"Thanks?" Jeongin said as he went into the bathroom to get changed and Seungmin chose himself an outfit.

A while later, Seungmin had driven them to Felix's house and they were both inside to see Felix struggling to clean his house before everyone else got there.

"You're so lucky we got here first." Seungmin sighed as he and Jeongin both started helping him.

"Hi Innie, hi Minnie. And you see, I would have cleaned if I didn't accidentally fall asleep." Felix explained as Seungmin rolled his eyes at him but smiled a bit when Felix gave him a quick hug before going back to cleaning.

After a few more minutes, they all finished cleaning up and sat down on the couch.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you guys but I also invited-" Felix got cut off by someone knocking the door.

Felix got up to open it and a few seconds later Chan walked into the living room with a girl who was awkwardly walking beside him.

"Umm...hello" She shyly said with a smile, "I'm Yoona, nice to meet you" (Not the Kpop Idol. I'm just too lazy to think of a name lol)

'She's really pretty' Jeongin thought to himself with a sad smile.

"I'm Seungmin, nice to meet you to." Seungmin replied

"I'm Jeongin" Jeongin smiled and she nodded before whispering something to Chan.

Chan waved hi to Jeongin once he noticed the younger looked at him and Jeongin quickly waved back.

A few minutes later, Hyunjin, Changbin, Minho, and Jisung all got there and introduced themselves to Yoona. They all seemed to like her from what Jeongin could tell. And Chan seemed to like her too. He kept smiling at her and laughing but Jeongin also didn't realize that Chan kept glancing over at him.

Eventually, somehow, they all starting drinking alcohol. Everyone besides Seungmin, Jeongin, and Chan for whatever reason.

Jeongin looked over at Jisung who suddenly sat next to him and was very obviously drunk. "Innnnnnieeee" he mumbled as he laid his head on Jeongin's lap and looked up at him.

"Yeah Sungie?" Jeongin asked as he looked down at him and noticed that he looked a bit sad.

"Why did Felix invite such a meanie to his partyyy?"

"Who are you talking about?" Jeongin asked, trying not to laugh at him.

"Minhoooo. Look at him, standing over there. Looking perfect. Freak him."

"Did something happen with you two?"

"That dude kissed me then goes back to hating me the next day. Indecisive much? Make him leave please. I don't wanna see his stupid pretty face."

"I can't make him leave" Jeongin replied as he played with a piece of Jisung's hair "I wish I could make people leave though" he mumbled, glancing at Yoona.

"Me too. Why aren't you drinking anything Innie?" Jisung asked as he quickly sat up and handed Jeongin a bottle.

Jeongin looked at it for a second. He had never actually drunk alcohol before. He wanted to the night he went to Chan's house as a distraction but luckily Chan distracted him instead. But now he was trying to distract himself from Chan. All of his friends were there, it's not like he could do anything that bad if he did get drunk. He thought to himself as he took the bottle from Jisung.

At first he hated the taste but the more he drank of it the less horrible it tasted. He stayed on the couch with Jisung for a while as they had very weird conversations, basically just questioning their entire existence. By his second bottle, Jeongin was just as drunk as Jisung was.

"Sungie I'll be righhhht back. I'm gonna go get more." Jeongin said as he stood up to walk into the kitchen but had to stop for a moment since he got dizzy from getting up too quickly.

"Woah" he mumbled to himself before walking into the kitchen and grabbing another bottle that quickly got taken out of his hand.

"I think you've had enough" he heard someone say and turned around to see Chan.

"Noooo I haven't, I promise," Jeongin said as he tried to reach for the bottle but Chan wouldn't let him.

"Jeongin, you're drunk."

"Yes, and?"

"You're gonna feel horrible tomorrow, and you're gonna feel even worse if you drink more." Chan explained and was shocked when Jeongin wrapped his arms around him to give him a hug.

"Then you can just take care of me Hyung" Jeongin mumbled before grabbing the bottle and moving away from the hug.

"I will take care of you but no more drinks."

"No you won't. You have to take care of your girlfriend" Jeongin pouted "she's so lucky."

"I'm- she's not my girlfriend."

"Really?! Then can I be your girlfriend?"

"Innie baby, you're a boy."

"Answer the question!"

"Since you aren't going to remember this conversation...I wish you could be but you already have a boyfriend."

"Yeah, you." Jeongin responded.

"No, and I think you should try to go to sleep" Chan said as he got a bottle of water then pulled Jeongin into Felix's extra room so Jeongin could go to sleep.

"I'm not tired yet. Stay with me" Jeongin said as he pulled Chan's hand and tried to make him sit next to him, and Chan eventually gave in.

"Only until you fall asleep." Chan said as he laid down next to Jeongin.

"Cuddles" Jeongin said as he held his arms out towards Chan who pulled him closer. Maybe a little bit too close considering that if one of them moved the slightest bit closer, they would be kissing.

"Sorr-" Chan got cut off.

"Can I kiss you Hyungie?"

"No. You have a boyfriend." Chan said as he moved back a little bit so they weren't as close.

"No. I don't" Jeongin frowned, "he broke up with me."

"Why would he do that? You're drunk Innie, please try to sleep."

"Because I wouldn't-...do stuff with him." Jeongin explained and Chan was now extremely confused. He thought that he may have just been saying stuff because of the alcohol but that didn't sound like something he would just make up.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow when you aren't drunk, okay?"

"I'm not going to sleep until you kiss me." Jeongin said stubbornly, causing Chan to sigh. He didn't want to do anything that Sober Jeongin wouldn't want to happen but he also really wanted him to fall asleep.


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