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^theres a song too you want to listen to it 💕^

Jeongin sighed as he looked at the time on his phone for the fifteenth time that night as he pretty much accepted the fact that his boyfriend probably wouldn't come back home any time soon.

It wasn't anything new to him but he still had a small part of him that hoped things would one day suddenly go back to normal with them.

Things with his boyfriend were great for the first few months of their relationship. They were actually more than just great, everything between them was amazing. They would go on dates several times a week, they would cuddle with each other, and they genuinely loved each other.

But now things were different. Jeongin would stay up till two or three in the morning waiting for Chinhae, his boyfriend, to come back home so that he could spend a few minutes with him before the older fell asleep. Chinhae seemed to completely lose interest in him but Jeongin convinced himself that it was only because he was busy with work.

'He does have to pay bills and stuff. Maybe he's just working extra hard' Jeongin though. Trying to reassure himself that things would eventually go back to normal between them.

And he did believe it for a while. That was until things progressively got worse between them. Chinhae had never physically hurt him or forced him to do anything but he seemed to be ignoring Jeongin's presence more and more every day. Which did cause him to have doubts that it would get better sometimes.

He knew that something was wrong but he thought that maybe if one day Chinhae would just let him speak to him long enough to convince him to go back to how they used to be that everything would be okay. He of course still loved him but even if he didn't there wasn't much he could do about the situation.

Once Jeongin's parents found out about him being gay they both immediately wanted Jeongin out of their house so he moved into an apartment with Chinhae and finished school. He did have a part-time job at a coffee shop for a while once he finished high school but Chinhae made him quit after about two weeks of him working there do to the fact that he thought the younger was cheating on him with Seungmin who was and still is one of Jeongin's best friends although he doesn't get to see him that much.

Due to the fact that Jeongin stayed home a lot at the apartment so that he wouldn't risk making Chinhae angry at him  he spent a lot of his time texting his friends. He would text Seungmin and his other friend from high school, Felix. Then he had also met Jisung through the two of them.

He would message them to help take his mind off of things if Chinhae was being harsh or if he wasn't there at all.

None of his friends knew about Chinhae mainly because Jeongin didn't want anyone to worry about him since he did realize that what Chinhae was doing was bad but he couldn't risk doing something or telling someone something that could possibly conclude to Chinhae kicking him out.

Jeongin looked at his phone again and pouted when he saw that it was already 2 am since he assumed that all of his friends would be asleep at this time. Despite that, he still decided to text on the group chat just in case one of them just so happened to be awake for some reason.


Hey are any of you awake? (^-^)

Yeah and I wish I freaking wasn't

I'm so tired

Why don't you go to

Because Christopher won't
stop blowing up my phone

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