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After Minho and Jisung left, the other 6 of them were finishing eating when Felix decided to ask how things went with Yoona.

"Chris, where is Yoona?"

"I drove her home last night."

"Why? She could've just stayed here."

"She wanted to go home?" Chan replied, making it sound more like a question.

"Well do you like her? Isn't she really nice? She's liked you for a pretty long time." Felix explained, noticing how Jeongin was now frowning but he had no idea why.

"If she actually liked me she wouldn't have said-...some of the things that she said when I was driving her home."

"What did she say?" Seungmin questioned.

"You can't judge a person based on how they act when they are drunk. From what I remember she was nice."Hyunjin added.

"I don't like her. Things wouldn't work out between us anyway."

"Do I need to find another person?" Felix asked with a sigh.

Chan shook his head no "I don't want you to set me up with any of your friends. Thank you though."

Felix looked at him extremely confused. He was just trying to help Chan get over Jeongin, he didn't want Chan to continue on like he is now when Jeongin already loves someone else, or at least Felix thought he still did.

"Hey, you should talk to Jeongin once everyone leaves," Seungmin whispered in Felix's ear. Causing the older to glance at his friend who had been silent all morning and looked like he was upset about something.

"Jeongin what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just have a headache still." Jeongin responded with a small smile.

"I can drive you back to Seungmin's now if you want to rest." Chan offered.

"No it's okay, I have to talk to Felix and Minnie later anyways."

"Or maybe you should just wait to talk to Jeongin tomorrow..." Seungmin said quietly to Felix before speaking louder to Jeongin. "You live at my house, you can talk to us whenever you want to now. That was your first time drinking, you should let Chan drive you home."

"Are you sure?"

"Is there something that I don't know about?" Felix asked.

"Yeah but don't worry about it right now." Seungmin smiled. 

"I guess we should also leave so we aren't third-wheeling," Changbin said as he finished his food.

"How would you and Hyunjin both be third-wheeling?" Chan questioned.

"We are both single and hanging out with a couple," Hyunjin explained but everyone else besides Changbin was still confused.

"Okay?... Are you ready to go Innie?" Chan asked.

"It's fine Hyung. You don't have to drive me home. I can just stay here and leave when Seungmin does."

"No. You're leaving." Seungmin stated. then mouthed the words 'you need to talk to him' to Jeongin who shook his head no.

"Jeongin should just stay here. I want to know what the heck is happening right now." Felix said.

"No." Seungmin responded.

"Fine." Jeongin said as he stood up from his seat, making sure to glare at Seungmin before walking to the door as Chan quickly followed behind him.

They were about halfway to Seungmin's apartment. Neither of them were talking to each other, more so just listening to whatever song was on the radio until Jeongin finally spoke up, but more because he had to. "Seungmin has the keys."

"Should we turn around and go get them?"

"I feel bad for making you drive me everywhere." Jeongin sighed.

"We could just go to my house instead. It's closer than driving all the way back. And you can just sleep in my bed. I have to work on a song for a while anyway." Chan offered.

Jeongin took a second to think about it, he wanted to avoid Chan but at the same time, he didn't want to make him drive all the way back to Felix's. Besides, he was just going to fall asleep when he got there. Nothing could possibly happen.


"Okay...and are you sure you're okay? You were more talkative this morning than what you are now and the medicine should have helped with your headache."

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

"If you ever want to talk about anything that...happened, know that you can talk to me," Chan said.

"Thanks, Hyung but it's really not about that. I'm actually tired."

"Oh. I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"It's okay...what did Yoona say when you were driving you home?"

"Nothing that you should worry about, why?"

"She just- seemed really nice. And pretty. And all of our friends liked her. Why wouldn't you want to date her?"Jeongin asked.

"You're nice, pretty, and all of our friends like you." Chan responded, causing Jeongin to tilt his head in confusion.

"What are you implying?"

"I'm just saying that you have nothing to be jealous about because you are all of those things you just listed and I like you a lot more than I could ever like Yoona, baby." Chan smiled when he noticed how Jeongin's face turned pink.

"I-i'm not j-jealous. It just doesn't make sense."

"Yoona isn't as nice as she seems. I also still like someone else and I don't think Felix's method of making me date other people is gonna help my feelings go away." Chan replied.


"You aren't gonna ask who it is?"

"No. It's none of my business." Jeongin said as they pulled into Chan's driveway.

"I- okay." Chan chuckled as he got out of the car and went to unlock the front door.

They both walked up to Chan's room where Chan gave Jeongin a shirt and some sweatpants to wear so that he was more comfortable.

"Thank you." Jeongin said as he laid on the bed. "I'm sorry, again, for making you drive me."

"It's fine Innie. Also, one more thing you said when you were drunk. You asked me if you could be my girlfriend."

"That's embarrassing. You really didn't have to tell me that part." Jeongin cringed.

"I thought it was cute." Chan responded before quickly walking out of the room and saying "good night."

'Trying to ignore him is hard. Especially when he's low key flirting...maybe I should just give up. I'm already faking anyway.

i had no idea how to end this chapter ; ;

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