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Jeongin stayed at the bar for about two hours, he had completely lost track of how much he had drunk within the first hour but he didn't care, as long as he wasn't thinking about Chinhae, which luckily he wasn't.

He wasn't thinking about anything, more so just laughing at absolutely nothing. Reaching to grab his phone so he could text Felix or Jisung and tell them that he was cold and wanted cuddles, but then realizing that his phone was gone.

"Hey, don't you think you should go home soon?" The bartender questioned, not wanting to give Jeongin another drink because of how out of it he was.

"I want Lixxx and Sungiee and Minnie but I don't know where they are" Jeongin pouted.

"Don't you have a phone?" She asked and Jeongin shook his head.

"I swear I checked like three teen times but it's not there"

"Do you think any of your friends are awake right now? Is there anyone's house that you can go to? I'll pay for a taxi to take you." She offered, she had been keeping an eye on him since he had gotten there and she wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Chan Hyung is awake but I'm annoying and I don't want him to hate me."

"I'm sure whoever Chan is probably worried about you and really wants you to go see him." She smiled at him. "Do you know his address?"

Eventually, she somehow convinced Jeongin to let her pay for a taxee to bring him to Chan's. Once he got there he knocked on the door which was immediately opened by an extremely worried-looking Chan.

"Hi," Jeongin said normally  with a small giggle as if he didn't just go missing for 3+ hours.

"Please never do this again." Chan sighed, pulling him in for a hug. "why do you smell like alcohol? did you drink?" Chan asked calmly.

"How do you know?" Jeongin asked, pouting "but yeah it was soooo much fun. Do you have alcohol here?" he asked, moving away from Chan as he tried to walk into the kitchen but he could barely stand up straight.

"Hey" Chan said, grabbing him to help him stand up straight then lifting his chin so that they were making eye contact, which for some reason made Jeongin laugh.


"Why didn't you text me when you got off work?" Chan asked, deciding to start off with just one question, knowing that Jeongin wouldn't be able to comprehend if he asked too much.

"don't wanna talk about it," Jeongin replied, moving away from Chan.

"Fine, we can talk about it tomorrow." He said, knowing that it would probably be easier anyway even though he wanted to know what had happened since it didn't seem like a very Jeongin thing to do. But he tried to not think about it too much and focus on getting Jeongin to sleep as he started helping the younger walk to the guest room.

"Nooo" Jeongin whined as he stopped walking "not tired. I'm not going to sleep."

"Please? You really need to rest."

Jeongin just shook his head no, causing Chan to sigh as he turned around to face his boyfriend. "Please? I'll do anything you want me to if you try to go to sleep."

"I wanna go to Seungmin's house."

"He's already asleep. I tried to text him a while ago and you don't have a key so you can't. I'll take you there in the morning though okay?"

"Noooooo I'll go to Lixies house instead please?"

"Felix is asleep too."

"I want Felix's cuddles" he pouted "Sungie! He's probably awake! Can you drive me there, please?"

"Why Felix's? And neither Jisung or Minho answered their phones when I texted them. Why don't you wanna stay here?"

"I want cuddles."

"Then come here."

"Nooooo please Hyungie I wanna see my friends."

'He was a lot more clingy to me the first time he drank. Why did that kinda hurt?'

"Everyone's asleep baby. I'll drive you to whoever's house you want to go to in the morning, okay?"

"Okay fine" Jeongin said before trying to walk to the guest bedroom but nearly fell onto the floor within just the first three steps.

Chan walked over to help him and decided to just pick him up and carry him there since it seemed easier.

"Hyung I could've walked."

"I'm not so sure about that," Chan said, placing Jeongin down on the bed and placing a kiss on top of his head. "Good night Innie."

Jeongin didn't respond and just hoped that Chan would leave without saying anything else but of course, Chan noticed the tears running down his face.

"What's wrong?"


"Do you want me to stay here until you fall asleep?"

"Yea- no." Jeongin shook his head.

"I'm staying with you." Chan said, wrapping his arms around Jeongin and making them both lay down on the bed. He moved one of his arms away so he could wipe Jeongin's tears away. "I'm not leaving."


"Will you promise to tell me what happened before I have to drive you home in the morning?" Chan asked even though he wasn't planning on leaving anyway. Jeongin was acting strange though and he kind of wanted reassurance that he was for real going to tell him what happened so he could help him.

"Night Hyungie."

"Hey, you didn't say that you promise." Chan said, kissing the tip of his nose, assuming that he only didn't say it because he was drunk and lost his train of though.

"Because I wouldn't keep it," Jeongin mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

"Jeongin what do you mean?" Chan asked, looking at him but he was already passed out.

Toxic/JeongchanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora