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'Was it too soon for that? Was it a bad kiss? Does he not-' Jeongin's thought process got cut off by Chan's lips against his again.

Chan pulled away after another few seconds and smiled once he saw Jeongin looking up at him smiling.

"You're so cute," Chan said as he gently kissed the top of Jeongin's head.

"N-" Jeongin stopped himself from saying no, remembering everything Chan had told him the previous time they had hung out and decided to just silently disagree with him instead.

Chan however noticed Jeongin stop himself from saying anything and wanted to make sure that Jeongin didn't feel like he couldn't respond just because of their conversations a few days earlier.

"It's fine if you disagree, " Chan said, placing a quick kiss on the side of Jeongin's face. "I just wanted to remind you that I think you're freaking adorable."

"Hyung, can you sing something?" Jeongin asked, changing the subject so that he would stop blushing and because he was unsure of how to respond to Chan's compliment.

"What would you like me to sing?"

"Sing the song that you sent me when we first started texting," Jeongin replied as he laid his head on Chan's shoulder.

"Are you tired?"

"Nope," Jeongin said even though he actually was pretty tired but he didn't want the date to end so he decided that he was going to try to force himself to stay awake for as long as he could. It's not like he had work the next day...or rather later that day anyway so he could sleep for as long as he wanted to.

Chan didn't believe him at all but started quietly singing to him anyway. It's not like he wanted to end the date either.

Jeongin ended up falling asleep before Chan had even finished singing the song and once Chan noticed he carefully picked Jeongin up and carried him back to his car.

Chan debated on whether or not he should drive Jeongin back to Seungmin's house or if he should just take him back to his house. He didn't want Seungmin to worry too much if Jeongin wasn't back in the morning though so he decided to just drive him there.

Once they got there Chan parked the car then carefully picked up Jeongin from the passenger seat. Jeongin pouted, most likely because he was suddenly cold again, and moved his face closer to Chan's neck causing the older smile softly.

He opened the door to Seungmin's apartment which was left unlocked because Jeongin still didn't have a key yet so Seungmin kept it unlocked for when he came back.

He gently laid Jeongin onto the bed in the guest bedroom that he stayed in. Chan covered him with a blanket and kissed his forehead before turning around to leave.


Jeongin woke up the next morning and tiredly grabbed his phone to check it before getting up. He saw some text messages from Chan, reminding him of what all happened yesterday.

Good morning baby ☀️

I hope you slept well

Pease text me whenever you wake up

Hyung I'm so so sorry for falling
asleep on you last night

I was trying really hard to stay
awake but thank you for driving
me back to Minnie's 💕

Jeongin waited a few minutes for a response but got nothing so put his phone back down. 'Maybe he's actually sleeping for once.' Jeongin thought to himself as he got up and walked out into the living room where Seungmin was sitting on the couch eating cereal.

"Good morning Minnie!" Jeongin greeted as he sat down next to him, scaring him slightly.

"What the heck? I didn't even know that you came back. What time did you get here?"

"Umm, I'm not sure because I fell asleep and Chan Hyung drove me back."

"How was your date?"

"It was amazing."

"What all did you do? Because you didn't get back until past one in the morning."

"We went out to dinner..." Jeongin trailed off, remembering the first part of the date which he had forgotten about due to everything else that they did. "Well we kinda ran into Chinhae and he said some stuff."

"Did Chan beat him up? Please tell me Chan beat him up."

"No, I didn't want him to get into a fight."

"Of course you didn't" Seungmin sighed, "what did he say though?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter. I would rather just forget about it along with his entire existence."

Seungmin nodded and Jeongin continued on to tell him the good parts of the date.

"YOU kissed HIM?" Seungmin asked, not believing that Jeongin kissed Chan first since he always seemed a bit shy around Chan.

"Mhm, I didn't think it was a good idea since he didn't say anything for a few minutes but then he kissed me back."

"Eww stop that's cute," Seungmin said then heard his phone buzz and picked it up, quickly reading the text that Felix just sent him. "Chan's a freaking idiot."

"Wait what? What did he do? Did he text you?" Jeongin asked.

"I didn't mean to say that. I meant Changbin. Yeah, Changbin's an idiot."

"Minnie you barely know Changbin."

"Not sure that has anything to do with the conversation topic."


"Okay fine but don't get mad at Chan. I'm pretty sure Felix convinced him to but Chan's also stupid for actually listening to him."

"Minnie just tell me already." Jeongin laughed, not thinking that it would be anything serious.

"Remember that girl that Chan brought here the night that you got drunk?"

"Yeah, why?"

"So Chan may or not be at a cafe with her right now."

Happy New Year!! 💞✨

Also, this doubled in reads since the last time I updated. What the heck 😭💖🥺

 What the heck 😭💖🥺

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