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-Hyunbin Chapter-
not edited

Hyunjin awkwardly stood at Changbin's door. He had been there for the past five minutes debating on if he should knock or not. He had no idea why he was so nervous to talk to Changbin.

It's not like they had never argued before. They would most likely make up and go back to how they usually were but after telling Jeongin and Chan about what had happened a couple of years ago he felt a bit anxious. He still wasn't even sure if it was a good idea to bring it up to Changbin.

He finally brought himself to knock on the door and a few seconds later it was opened by Changbin who looked up at him slightly annoyed.


"Hey," Changbin mumbled as he let a Hyunjin come inside as they awkwardly sat down on the couch together.

"Umm, I'm sorry for doing whatever I did to make you mad," Hyunjin spoke up first, still not completely understanding what he did wrong since he was just acting like his usual self.

Changbin sighed before responding "it's fine I overreacted."

After their brief apology, the atmosphere turned into an awkward silence that neither of them found very enjoyable.

"Is there a reason why you get so annoyed by me flirting with people? I get that it's annoying when I do it all the time but you don't even try to tell me to stop until you get annoyed to the point that you just ignore me." Hyunjin frowned.

"Let's not talk about it Hyunjin. Let's just ignore it and move on like we usually do cause if I explain it will just make things worse."

"It's already getting worse by us not talking about it."

"That's my fault so I'll stop but I don't want to talk about it."

"Do you remember that day at school a few years ago?"

"There were many days at school a few years ago?" Changbin replied, confused.

"Sorry I mean umm...remember that day when I asked you what you would do if I asked you out?"

"When you were messing around because you got ditched by someone then suddenly left out of nowhere?"

"That's not what happened but yeah that day."

"What about it?"

"It's been kinda bothering me I guess." Hyunjin sighed before continuing, "Please promise you won't hate me."

"I could never," Changbin mumbled.

"That's not very reassuring considering that you blocked me earlier today."

"Hyunjin explain whatever the heck is bothering you so we can stop being awkward."

"Right...well I may have possibly been thinking about confessing to you that day but you thought I was joking when I tried to ask you out. So then when I asked you what you would do if I were serious you and you said that you would reject me then got mad and told me to stop flirting with you and I agreed because I didn't know it bothered you so much but I may or may not have run away and cried after that."

Hyunjin just stared down at his hands while explaining the entire situation, too scared to look up and see Changbin's facial expression. Changbin was staring at him in shock for about a minute after Hyunjin had explained everything before he finally decided to say something.

"Why are you telling me this?" Changin finally asked, not meaning for it to come out so harsh. He saw Hyunjin force a small smile which immediately made him feel horrible.

"I don't know...I know you didn't know that I was serious but it doesn't matter anymore anyway. You still gave me a very clear no, I stopped flirting with you since it bothered you so much, and we're still friends."

"I don't want to be friends anymore."

Hearing those words caused Hyunjin to finally look over at Changbin to see if he was being serious or not but the shorter showed no facial expression as he looked back at him.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up let's just forget about it. It's not like it matters anymore. I'm sorry for liking you but if it bothers you that much let's just forget about it and never bring it up again. Please don't st-"

"Hyunjin." Changbin interrupted as he grabbed Hyunjin's shoulders to get him to look at him and stop ranting. "Was it bothering you so much because you still like me?"

Hyunjin froze and stared at Changbin, too scared to say anything so instead Changbin continued.

"I thought you were joking when you asked me that. I was bothered by you flirting with me because you flirt with everyone and it always felt like you were just giving me false hope when you flirted with me so I hated it."

"It felt like I was giving you false hope?" Hyunjin repeated, "what do you mean?"

"I like you too."

"Oh." Hyunjin said as he took a moment to comprehend, "...wait what?"

"Maybe I should explain to you in a different way," Changbin said as he quickly leaned in and kissed Hyunjin who was shocked for the first few seconds then finally closed his eyes and began to kiss back.

"Do you get it now?" Changbin asked once they moved away from each other.

"No, I think you should do that again. I'm not quite comprehending." Hyunjin said.

Changbin laughed a bit before leaning in for another kiss.

"I'm definitely dreaming..." Hyunjin trailed off "not looking forward to waking up."

"Idiot. Back to what I said about not wanting to be friends though... Will you be my boyfriend instead?"

"Honestly let's just skip that part and get married before I wake up."

"I'm gonna take that as a yes," Changbin said with a small laugh.

hi so i posted a new Minsung story if anyone is interested. it's a vampire au which is very different compared to what i usually write but yeahh. go read it if you want to lol 💞

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