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Jeongin at some point ended up falling asleep for a little while but woke up to people talking in either the living room or the kitchen. He at first assumed that it was just Felix and Seungmin arguing about something stupid again it sounded like they were both talking to one person and not each other.

"I think he just needs a little bit of time" he heard Seungmin say.

"You can't force him to talk to you. He- umm let's just say he's really upset. If I were you I wouldn't want to risk making it worse..........No! that's not what I meant he's fine right now I promise he's sleeping." He heard Felix explain before it went completely silent for about 2 minutes.

"You did what?!" He heard both of his friends yell at the same time.

"How did you even- Chan why didn't you ask him? Or tell him that that's what you were trying to do?" Seungmin questioned

"What do you mean? You better freaking tell him or I'll wake him up and tell him right now." He heard Felix say and if he wasn't overthinking things before, he definitely was now.

"Yeah but that's still something you need to tell him about," Seungmin said with a sigh.

'What did he do?' Jeongin wondered to himself, starting to feel anxious thinking of all of the possibilities.

'did he lose interest in me and had been trying to hang out with Minho but couldn't because I was always there? Or maybe he realized that he actually does like Yoona and had been trying to go out with her or-' Jeongin cut his own thoughts off when he saw the door handle move and immediately closed his eyes so the other two would think that he was asleep.

"See. He's sleeping you freaking blad Kangaroo. He's fine." He heard Felix whisper.

"Please make sure he's okay..." Chan said, Jeongin now being able to hear them since they were now face timing him. "Don't let him drink or anything, make sure he's eating properly, and make sure he doesn't spend too much time alone. Also, tell him that I'm really sorry when he wakes up."

"Don't worry we'll make sure he's okay and provide cuddles."

"Felix no."

"Gotta go Chris. Innie looks like he's in need of a hug right now. Talk to you later." He heard Felix whisper before hanging up.

"What did he do?" Jeongin questioned once Chan was no longer on the phone, causing the older two to look at him with widened eyes.

"How long have you been awake?"

"D-did he cheat on me?" Jeongin asked, ignoring Seungmin's question.

"No Jeongin I promise it's nothing like that. I don't think we're the ones that should tell you though. I'm not even completely sure how he- um you need to talk to Chan." Seungmin explained.

"Does he hate me?"

"Innie, sweetie, I know you saw the text that said he loves you. And you heard everything he said just now. He doesn't hate you at all."

"I annoy him though and he could end up hating me. Chinhae was right, he is the only one who can put up with me. I don't want Chan to have to deal with me and-"

"Jeongin shut up," Felix said, causing Jeongin to stop and look over at Felix who sat down next to him. "Chinhae said that because he wants you to think that but it's not true. Chan didn't mean it, I promise. He sounded like he was crying when I first answered the phone and Chan never cries. He feels horrible."

They all stayed silent for a few minutes as Jeongin comprehended everything Felix had just said and stopped making such negative assumptions.

"I-is what he did bad?" Jeongin asked after a few more minutes.

"Umm..." Seungmin started, "no? I don't know if you will think so or not but he should have handled it differently...in my opinion at least"

"Is Channie okay?"

"To be honest he's really mad at himself right now. I don't know exactly how much of that you heard but he was apologizing a lot. He kept saying that he screwed up and that he didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know you don't want to but you should try to talk to him."

"I will tomorrow." Jeongin sighed before standing up. He felt a lot better with the little clarification that he had but he was still feeling a bit anxious since he still didn't know what exactly Chan did.

"Where are you going?" Seungmin asked, watching Jeongin walk out of the bedroom.

"For a walk" Jeongin replied, putting on a pair of shoes.

"We're going with you." Felix followed him to the door.

"I want to go by myself," Jeongin said, truly just wanting to be alone for a while.

"I know you heard the part of the phone call where I said that we would make sure you're okay. Letting you go on a walk by yourself at 11 pm doesn't really let us do that. Do you want to watch a movie or something? It will help distract you a bit."

"I'm gonna go back to sleep," Jeongin mumbled before walking back into his bedroom.

He picked up his phone which was now laying on his nightstand since that's what Seungmin and Felix had called, or more like answered Chan's call on. He read the 100+ text messages that Chan had sent him and started to feel a bit guilty.

Chan genuinely seemed like he was extremely sorry, something that Chinhae had never felt nor expressed before for anything he had ever done. Jeongin wasn't used to it.

'Maybe I overreacted a bit' he thought to himself, heart aching as he read all of the texts.

He was still bothered by what Chan said and still hadn't stopped thinking about it but it was more so bothering him that he didn't even know the reason.

'I should just try to get some more sleep and stop thinking about it' he thought to himself. He tried to fall asleep for at least two hours before he had given up due to the fact that he had way too many things on his mind.

He got his phone and scrolled through social media for a few minutes until he started getting texts from Chan again, which he quickly went to check them.

It's really late and I'm hoping
that you're already sleeping
but goodnight

I love you ❤️

I'm sorry again that I hurt you

Jeongin stared at his screen for a while after reading the texts. Either he could ask now and get a few hours of sleep or he could wait and most likely end up unintentionally pulling an all-nighter.

What did you have to talk
to Minho about?

this was kinda just a filler chapter but i will most likely update again on friday <3

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