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Eventually, Jeongin did have to go home. It was about 11 pm when Seungmin drove him back to the coffee shop so that he could walk home. It took him a while to convince Seungmin that he was okay to walk home but he eventually did by telling Seungmin he would text him when he got home.

He texted Seungmin once he was in his apartment complex then walked up the stairs and went to unlock the door but it was already unlocked.

'Did I forget to lock it?'

Jeongin walked into the apartment and was both surprised and scared to see Chinhae already there sitting on the couch.

"Where were you?" Chinhae asked in a calm voice which confused Jeongin.

"I was with Seungmin, Felix, and Jisung" Jeongin responded, knowing that there was no point in lying since the older would just check his phone if he said anything other than the truth.

"Didn't I tell you not to?" Chinhae asked, raising his voice slightly.

"You did."

"Ar you trying to get yourself kicked out? You need me Jeongin. Where would you go if I kicked you out? You're parents want nothing to do with you and you don't have a job. So if you want to stay here you need to listen to me when I tell you not to do something!" Chinhae yelled at him harshly.

Jeongin tensed up a bit as he did. He hated it when people yelled at him. He teared up a bit but he just nodded. He wanted the conversation to be over but he still needed to ask the question that he had been trying to ignore all day.

"I'm sorry" Jeongin mumbled "I have a question though."

Chinhae stayed quiet so Jeongin decided to just continue.

"Where w-were you last night?"

Chinhae just chuckled at the question and walked over closer to the younger.

"Not that it's any of your business but let's just say that I was having more fun than I've ever had with you."

At this point, Jeongin was crying. He wanted to go to sleep and wake up in hope that all of this was just a long nightmare and he would wake up to the sweet Chinhae that actually cared about him. Because the person he was talking to know definitely didn't.

"If you're just gonna cheat on me what's the point of me even being here? Why do you want me to still be here?"

"Honestly it's pretty entertaining. I treat you horribly and you still constantly try to fix things between us. You listen to every single thing I tell you to do, today being an exception but I know you won't do it again. And even after this, you're still going to think that I can go back to how I was a few months ago. Even if you wanted to leave you can't. So you're stuck with me." Chinhae explained as he moved closer to Jeongin and grabbed his face to wipe away one of his tears.

"Stop crying, you're already ugly enough" Chinhae scoffed before walking into their room without another word.

'I should've just stayed at Seungmin's' Jeongin thought to himself 'not that I would have been able to forever.'

He grabbed a blanket and laid down on the couch since he most definitely didn't want to be in the same room as his boyfriend right now.

He heard his phone vibrate and sighed, he wasn't in the mood to text anyone right now. He wasn't even really in the mood to breathe. Not wanting to leave whoever texted him on delivered he got his phone from his pocket and saw a text from Chan.

Hey Innie

Are you back home from
Seungmin's yet?

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