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"Bye Channie Hyung," Jeongin said once he got a text from Seungmin saying that he was outside.

"Wait," Chan said before he could open the door as he walked over to the younger and pulled him into a hug. "See you tomorrow" he smiled.

"See you tomorrow" Jeongin smiled back before pulling away from the hug, waving bye, then walking outside to Seungmin's car.

"Why is your face red? Do you still feel sick from drinking?" Seungmin asked the moment Jeongin got into his car.

Jeongin shook his head no but then subconsciously started smiling, thinking about his date with Chan tomorrow.

"Oh my gosh, Chan kissed you."

"No, he didn't!... I mean, he almost did but he didn't!" Jeongin quickly explained.

"He what? I was joking but dang. Why almost?"

"Cause he said that he wanted to take me on a date first."

"How the heck?- You guys finally talked to each other? I was honestly beginning to think that both of you were just a whole new level of dumb."

"Hey! Chan Hyung isn't dumb."

"You're not even gonna defend yourself?"

"No, because I know I'm dumb. Seungmin I need an outfit."

"You should've stollen one of Chan's hoodies while you were there."

"I'm more focused on stealing his dog but he wouldn't let me."

"According to Felix, your goal should be his laptop,"  Seungmin explained.

"His laptop? Wait- this is getting off-topic."

"We can go to the mall if you want to. I kinda want to go get boba anyway."


~~~ the next day ~~~

Jeongin woke up the next morning way earlier than he had to due to his mixed feelings of being both nervous and excited about the date ignoring that he still had to work for several hours during the day.

He did his regular morning routine then put on some light makeup before putting on his outfit that he got from when he went to the mall yesterday since the only dress code that the cafe required was for them to wear an apron.

He then brushed through his hair before going into the kitchen and getting something to eat.

"You ready to go to the cafe?" Seungmin asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Why did Chan have to ask me on a date the same day that I'm supposed to start working?" Jeongin sighed "How am I supposed to concentrate?"

"It's fine, Minho is working today too so you can just make him do all your work."

"Seungmin no. Jisung would kill me and I don't want Minho to hate me."

"It was just a recommendation. But we should go now so we aren't late."

Work wasn't as bad as Jeongin thought it would be thanks to Seungmin and Minho. He really missed working there and being able to see his friends freely so he was happy to finally be able to do both of those things again.

Once they were back at Seungmin's apartment, Jeongin accidentally fell asleep on the couch, tired because it was his first day back to working and not just lying on a couch all day and also because he barely slept the night before.

He was woken up a while later by someone moving his shoulder lightly, causing him to pout before mumbling "what Minnie? I'm really tired."

"So I'm guessing we should reschedule the date"

Jeongin's eyes shot open once he realized that it was Chan who was trying to wake him up.

"How did you get in? I'm sorry I was sleeping and we don't need to reschedule."

"Seungmin let me in then and me to wake you up and it's okay but why are you so tired? Did you not sleep well last night?"

"That and going to work made me kinda tired but I'm fine now. Let's go." Jeongin smiled, stood up, grabbed Chan's hand, then pulled him towards the door."

"Innie baby wait a second" Chan laughed softly as he made Jeongin who was now blushing turn to look at him.


"Your hair looks cute right now but I don't want you to notice it later then get mad that I didn't tell you so you should go brush it real quick."

"My hair?" Jeongin questioned then moved his hand and realized that some of it was sticking up so he quickly ran away to go fix it.

'Why didn't Seungmin just wake me up before Chan got here?' Jeongin asked himself, feeling bad for being asleep when Chan got there and not being ready to leave.

He walked back to where Chan was once he finished fixing his hair, "I'm sorry" he apologized again.

"It's fine, we don't have to be anywhere by a certain time." Chan reassured as he grabbed Jeongin's hand again.

"Where are we going anyway Hyung?" Jeongin questioned.

"Well, are you hungry yet? If not then we can go to the other place I wanted to take you first."

"Are you?" Jeongin asked back.

"Did you eat lunch?"

"No, I was too busy at work..." Jeongin trailed off.

"That answers the question then."

They continued talking to each other about random subjects and getting to know each other better since they really didn't know much considering they've only known each other for a few months.

They got to the restaurant and went inside to get a seat.

"Have you ever been here before?" Chan asked and Jeongin shook his head no.

"Chin-" Jeongin stopped himself before he brought up Chinhae, realizing that he shouldn't bring up his ex while on a date with Chan. "Nope. Have you?"

"No, but I heard that it's really good." Chan smiled

They continued to talk about things until they had to order their food.

After Jeongin said his order he looked slightly past the waiter and saw a familiar figure, sitting with a girl and smiling.

Once Jeongin quickly realized who it was he looked away and stared at the table, moving his hand to cover his face, hoping that the person wouldn't look over and recognize him.

"Are you okay?" Chan asked, noticing his strange behavior.

"Yeah Hyung I'm fine...I just...saw a bug."

They went back to talking after that, Jeongin keeping his hand on the side of his face the entire time which probably looked weird but he didn't care, it was better than Chinhae noticing him and possibly even Chan.

Their food came and somehow Jeongin forgot that Chinhae was even there as he and Chan both ate their food. Jeongin also didn't realize that Chinhae had noticed him and was glaring at him and Chan."

Luckily Jeongin didn't look back at him or notice anything for the rest of dinner so it didn't ruin anything...yet.

Chan paid, after arguing with Jeongin about it for a few minutes, then they both left to walk outside.

As soon as they walked outside Jeongin looked over and saw Chinhae again but he was now alone. He grabbed Chan's hand tightly and hoped that neither of them noticed anything but of course Chinhae wasn't going to let that happen.

"Hey, Jeongin!"

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in almost two weeks. I was really busy with school but I'm on break now so I'll be able to update more

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