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Jeongin, Seungmin, and Felix were all still laying on the bed listening to Twice and Day6 which they had been doing for the past hour. Suddenly they heard the doorbell ring and Jeongin sat up, knowing that it was Chan.

"Why is it always during Jihyo's part?" Felix sighed as he paused the song "this is so disrespectful, I hate it here."

"Who's here?" Seungmin questioned.

"Channie Hyung. I told him to come here after Chinhae's because we need to talk" Jeongin explained as the other two followed him out of his room and to the front door.

Jeongin blankly stared at Chan once he had opened the door and noticed that Chan's lip was bleeding and he had a small bruise forming on the side of his face.

"You said that you wouldn't fight." Jeongin pouted.

Seungmin and Felix didn't say a word as they silently walked into Seungmin's room to leave the two alone to talk about things.

"Jeongin" Chan began to say but Jeongin grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bathroom so he could clean the cut on Chan's lips. "I didn-"

"Shut up before I get alcohol in your mouth," Jeongin said as he gently cleaned the cut. Chan stopped trying to explain what happened as he admired Jeongin. He noticed that his eyes were puffy, he assumed it was from crying which made his heart break at the thought.

"You're so stupid," Jeongin said out of concern and guilt as he looked up a bit to meet Chan's eyes which were already looking back at him, causing him to blush as he moved away.

"Umm, I'm not really sure what to do about a bruise...I'm gonna go get an ice pack." Jeongin said as he turned to left the bathroom. He returned a few seconds later and walked back over to Chan. Then grabbed his arm and pulled him into his bedroom instead to sit on his bed instead of awkwardly standing in the small bathroom.

He gently placed the ice pack on the side of Chan's face, immediately apologizing when he saw Chan flinch.

"I'm so sorry," Jeongin repeated again as he looked at Chan with guilty eyes.

In any other situation, Chan would have simply kissed him and told him to stop apologizing for something that wasn't his fault but he knew it wasn't the right time for that.

"Why do you keep apologizing?"

"Because it's my fault that this happened. You wouldn't know Chinhae if I didn't drag you into this stupid situation and now you got hurt because of me and you don't deserve that so I'm so-"

"Say sorry again and I'll kiss you," Chan said, knowing that it would get him to stop blaming himself. And as he suspected, Jeogin immediately stopped talking.

"Jeongin It's not your fault. I could have avoided it if I really wanted to but I know you didn't want Chinhae to get hurt so I didn't fight back but I'm fine. It doesn't hurt that bad and If you're going to blame anyone please blame the person who actually punched me instead of yourself."

"I didn't care about Chinhae getting hurt, idiot. I was worried about you getting hurt or taking things too far and getting in trouble or something."

"Oh...well I'm fine, everything worked out. It's over now so please don't stress about it." Chan explained, resisting the urge to hug Jeongin since he still looked upset but he knew it was better not to push anything.

"You aren't fine though..." Jeongin sighed as he gently placed his thumb on Chan's lips, next to his cut as he examined it again "you got hurt."

"You got hurt a lot during the whole process too Innie, it may not have been physical but I know he hurt you mentally. That lasts a lot longer than a small cut or a bruise. I'm fine, I promise. Are you doing okay? Have you eaten anything yet today?"

"No, but-"

"Come on I'm gonna make some food," Chan said, not letting him speak another word as he grabbed his hand and made him follow him into the kitchen.

Jeongin silently jumped up to sit on the counter as Chan started taking out everything to cook ramen.

"Hey" Jeongin mumbled once Chan was waiting for the water to boil "about what I said I had to talk to you about..."

"I think I already know where this is going."

"You do?" Jeongin questioned as he tilted his head in confusion.

"I broke your trust by getting the restraining order...so now we should stay friends for a while right?"

"...You think I said I needed to talk to you so I could break up with you?"

"Isn't that what 'we should talk' always means? It would make sense, you've obviously been crying because of what I did. You didn't deserve that, I should've told you about it. I'm okay with staying friends if you need some time."

"Hyung" Jeongin said as he jumped off the counter and walked over to where Chan was standing and wrapped his arms around him "I'm not breaking up with you."

"You aren't?" Chan asked, trying not to smile as he wrapped his arms around Jeongin's waist as he had been wanting to since the moment he got there.

"I wasn't mad at you... I was confused as to why you didn't tell me about it and I was kinda sad because I thought you didn't trust me or something but I talked to Felix and it kinda makes sense now."

"It does?"

"Yeah, and you've been trying to help me become more confident so I wanna help you become more confident too... I'm not sure how too to be honest but I'm still gonna try because I l-" Jeongin got cut off by Seungmin and Felix walking out of their room.

"You guys are cute and stuff but could you maybe not burn my apartment down?" Seungmin asked, pointing at the pot of water that was about to over boil.

"Sorry" Chan apologized as he pulled away from the hug and put the ramen into the pot as he continued cooking.

"Did you guys make up? When's the wedding?" Felix questioned as he sat down on the counter next to Jeongin.

"You're not invited when it does happen." Jeongin joked, earning a surprised look from Chan and a pout from Felix.

"When it happens?" Chan repeated.

"Dang. Did I interrupt something? What made you mad enough to not invite me to your wedding?" 

"I was joking" Jeongin clarified with an awkward laugh as Chan just went back to cooking.

"Uh-huh sure. Anygays, we're going to go get food so try not to almost burn down the house while we're gone" Felix smiled as he walked over to Seungmin and grabbed his hand before they both left the apartment.

"I meant to ask earlier but Changbin Hyung didn't get hurt, right?"

"No, he was about to punch Chinhae after he punched me but I told him not to because it wasn't worth it."

"Oh, well I'm glad he didn't get hurt too. We should hang out with Changbin and Hyunjin again soon. It was fun last time."

"Yeah" Chan agreed, handing Jeongin a bowl of ramen.

"Thank you." Jeongin smiled, causing Chan to immediately smile back.

'I missed him so much.'

i don't really like this chapter but hopefully you enjoyed it 💞

unrelated question...what's your favorite anime? (if you've watched any)

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