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-not proofread-

"Felix should go first since it's his birthday" Seungmin concluded since they wouldn't stop arguing about who gets to go first.

"Felix didn't even tell me happy birthday. He doesn't deserve the privilege."

"Jisung I didn't even know that it was my birthday until we came here and I was reminded about it" Felix replied.

"Why does it even matter. Just let Jisung go first. That seems fair." Minho sighed.

"Whipped" Seungmin commented as Minho just rolled his eyes.

"Just do rock paper scissors" Chan said and they both agreed.

Felix ended up winning and spun the bodle which ended up ending on Jeongin.

"Truth or dare innie?"

Jeongin thought about it for a second before responding.

'Felix wouldn't make me do anything that bad right?'


"You were supposed to choose truth" Felix pouted "I dare you to... let me give you a tattoo with a sharpie."

"Umm okay?" Jeongin replied, expecting something worse than that.

Chan handed Felix a sharpie as he started drawing on the back of Jeongin's hand "Don't look until I'm done."

About a minute later Felix closed the marker and Jeongin looked down to see his hand that now said 'I love Christopher Bang Chan' with a bunch of hearts around it.

"Felix! Chi- my parents are gonna kill me" Jeongin said as he tried to rub it off which failed.

"What did he do?" Seungmin asked as Felix showed them Jeongin's hand "You really couldn't come up with anything better?"

"Nope" Felix admitted as he went back to his spot in the circle they were sitting in.

Jeongin decided that he would just worry about removing the sharpie later since he wasn't going to go home for a while anyway.

The game went on as they answered each other's dumb questions and did stupid dares.

Now it was Jeongin's turn and he had to ask Chan.

"Truth or dare?"


"What's your first kiss story and who was it with?" Jeongin asked because for some reason he was kind of curious.

Felix started choking on air, Chan was awkwardly looking at the floor, and Hyunjin and Changbin laughed a bit at the question.

"Umm did we miss something?" Seungmin asked.

"Chan, please don't answer" Felix said once he could breathe properly again.

"What the heck? I was expecting some elementary school story. What happened?" Jisung asked.

"I was at a party with Hyunjin, Changbin, and Felix. I had just met Felix a few weeks before so I invited him to come so he could meet Changbin and Hyunjin" Chan started explaining "Felix as we all know is extremely clingy so some people at the party assumed that he liked me."

"We were playing truth or dare because apparently that happens at every party and someone dared Felix to kiss me. So Felix came over to me and I leaned in to kiss him and he started hysterically laughing as soon as I did" Chan finished explaining.

"Because it was weird!!" Felix defended himself "I didn't want to kiss you! Jeongin I'm so sorry!"

"Wow, wasn't expecting that. And you have no reason to apologize to me Lixie" Jeongin laughed a bit 'Felix is lucky...What the heck am I thinking?'

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