They get arrested for a stupid reason

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"Dad was arrested!?" You yelled shocked while Speedwagon was crying from the news.

"Finally he commited a crime!" Dio exclaimed happily you all just stared at him "What?"

You all went to pick him up "What happened?" You asked your dad when he hugged you.

"Who framed you?!" Speedwagon demanded to know.

"I was moving some wood out of the way of the road so no one crashes" He explained you were all confused.

"Its illegal to carry a plank of wood on the pavement" An officer explained then got confused by the glares he got.

Speedwagon and Dio looked like they want to jump him "Is it illegal to threaten you?l Dio asked and he nodded.

Dio then picked you up and whispered to you "Watch your back bitch" You told him as Dio walked off.


"You got arrested and you want us to come get you?" Caesar sighed he answered the phone that kept going off for ten minutes.

Caesar's face then went to a confused one "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU IN ENGLAND!!?"

"He's in England?" You mumbled bewildered.

Caesar dropped the phone he needed a break so you picked it up "How did you get arrested did you shoot off a gun in a park again?" You asked him.

"No I was wearing a suit in a building" He answered.

"Why didn't you run!?" Caesar yelled.

"A suit of armour is hard to run in!" Joseph retorted.

"Oh he was in Parliament why?" Suzi asked.

"Why was he even wearing the armour or even in England in the first place?" You added then sighed aling with Caesar you both have a headache now and will have to soon go pick up another headache.


"Mum, why are we going to the police station?" You asked.

"Your dad got arrested" She sighed your mouth fell open from shock.

"Of course he did" Jolyne sighed.

You got there and he was let out "What happened?" You pulled on Jotaro's leg he picked you up.

"I was doing my work" He explained.

"No you weren't! You beat someone up!" Jolyne accused him.

"No he was handling a salmon suspiciously" An officer spoke up.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Jolyne yelled.

"Suspiciously?" You asked.

"He sniffed it" One explained and you all just stared at Jotaro.

"It was for research" He informed you all.

"Your not allowed near salmon ever again" Your mother told him and he actually sulked.


You all went to France and next thing Jotaro got a call that Josuke and Okuyasu got arrested.

You went to the police station, and were led down the hall to their cell "NO HIS NAME IS NAPOLEON!!" You both heard Okuyasu yell echo.

You looked up to Jotaro confused, and he had a wtf look on his face.

"Just change his name and you will be allowed out!" Rohan was relieved to see you two.

"What happened?" Jotaro asked.

"They adopted a miniature baby pig and named him Napoleon and it's illegal to do that in France" Rohan explained.

You both found that stupid "Just give it a new name, and we can go" Jotaro demanded.

"NEVER!" Josuke yelled.

"Revolution!" Okuyasu yelled making Rohan facepalm.

"How about Napo instead?" You asked.

"Oh that sounds good" Josuke agreed, and they were finally let out.

Rohan and Jotaro brought you some ice cream and sweets after as a thanks for sorting out the idiots.


"Feels like home here" Jolyne mumbled your with her in the police station waiting for your dad to be released.

He came out frowning then grinned seeing you two "What did you do? Break into another house again?" You asked.

"No" He looked away.

"He ding dong ditched a house" An officer explained.

"Are you serious?" You and your mum asked.

The officer just walked off "Well at least you only got arrested for that" Jolyne sighed.

"Oh yeah did any of you see a burglary take place? A house was broken into today as well they said the man did it because he wanted to use the toilet" The same officer asked.

"Nope nothing at all" You answered with a sweet smile to distract him as your mum dragged your dad to the car so he doesn't get arrested again.


"Narancia, Mista, Giorno and Trish got arrested!" Fugo ran into the room.

Bucciarati sighed "Let's go pick them up."

You all went to get them, and they took you guys to a cell Mista was screaming at a barred up window with four bars on it.

Giorno has earplugs in his ears with a sleeping mask over his face while sleeping. Narancia was just holding up a middle finger at the officer watching them and stopped once he saw Bucciarati and whistled like he was innocent.

Trish was just looking at her nails as Mista was hugging her.

"I'm here to collect my children" Buccarati told the officer.

They were let out "So what happened?" You asked.

"We were playing cards in the library while Giorno searched for a book for you" Trish explained as Giorno put his sleeping mask and earplugs back into his hair the officer was beyond confused at that.

"You were gambling in an library that's illiegal" The officer explained.

"I WAS GIVING HIM MONEY FOR A DRINK!!" Mista aimed his gun at the officer's head.

"Mista that's illegal" You informed him as Bucciarati sighed.


You were use to coming to the police station it's not like he hasn't been arrested before Johnathan was the one who came to get him out this time.

"So why is dad in here? Did he punch someone again?" You asked the officer.

"Or tried to take over the world?" Giorno asked.

"Or scream wrryyy in public?"

"Maybe stealing a car again?"

"I get it!" Dio yelled while Johnathan laughed.

"There's a law that you can't throw a road roller" One of the officers explained why he got arrested.

"When did that law get made?" Giorno asked.

"When one came flying into the police station a week ago" He answered.

"Oh" You all let out except for Dio.

"Your building was in the way" Dio scoffed.

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