You both get caught in the rain

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He saw you shiver while you both were waiting underneath a building for the rain to stop, and he immediately hugged you to try and keep you warm.

Dio came walking by he had just picked up Giorno for the first time he was finally allowed to have Giorno and it took so long because Giorno's mother is a bitch.

"Dad" Giorno pointed at you two.

Dio made a sound of disgust but went over because Giorno was already going over.

"Want to join me?" Giorno held out his hand to you and he is holding his frog umbrella with the other one.

Johnathan let you go and smiled at you when you looked to him.

You took Giorno's hand and you both started walking together underneath the umbrella.

Dio and Johnathan tried to share one it only covered both of their heads Dio wasn't happy.


Your both just standing underneath a building and Joseph got an idea he put his jacket over his head and leaned over you "Lets run on 1" He told you and you nodded.

"3 2 1!" You both ran for it and screamed on the way so people wouldn't get in your way.

Everyone was looking at you two like your insane and a car nearly hit Joseph but he used his hamon to break the engine of the car as you two still ran.

"Welcome home" Holy and Suzi greeted you two and your both completely soaked.

Suzi picked you up in a warm towel and dried you up and then wrapped you up in it and Holy handed one to Joseph.

They made you both some tomato soup to warm yourself up so you both don't get ill "We would be absolute messes without those two right?" You asked Joseph.

"Yeah we probably would be" Joseph answered with soup all over his face.


Your both underneath a bus stop to take shelter from the rain but it isn't letting up and it's getting late.

You sneezed and Jotaro froze he is panicking on the inside worried you will get sick if your out here for any longer.

"Yare yare daze" Jotaro sighed he took off his jacket and wrapped you up in it and took you into his arms and put his hat on your head so you don't get your hair wet.

"Thank you," You told him and he walked with you in his arms.

He got soaked but he didn't care at all, he only cared about you not getting wet or sick.

The next few days he made sure to keep an eye on you to see any hints of you getting sick.

You sneezing once gave him a heart attack and Star showed up panicking.


You are both running home but ended up falling into a huge puddle and were just laying in it in despair.

Josuke's hair is ruined and your cold.

"Might as well" You said as you stood up and grinned.

He smirked and got up as well you both jumped in all the puddles on the way home trying to make the biggest splash.

Once you got back your mum wasn't very impressed but kind of expected you both to come home like that.

You both got wrapped up in warm towels and had pizza while playing video games.


Your both underneath a building and not even five minutes after the rain started your dad came running with fifteen umbrellas.

"Why so many?" You asked.

"I panicked" He explained and you nodded knowing he does that a lot actually too much.

"Yare yare daze" You sighed and went to take an umbrella but he moved them out of reach and gave your mum one.

He then picked you up in his arm and grinned "Why can't I have my own umbrella?" You asked.

"Ummm........the rest are broken" He lied and you could tell he was very nervous.

"Okay then let's go home," You told him.

Anasui grinned happy and Jolyne giggled at the scene.

You all walked home happily your dad more happy than anyone else.


Giorno was able to sense when it was about to rain no one has any idea how he is able to do this.

"It's about to rain" He mumbled and brought a white rose from a shop, and he used his power on it so it turned into an umbrella with many white roses all around the sides of it.

"Pretty" You admired it, and he picked you up in one arm and gave you the umbrella to hold.

It started raining and halfway home you both saw Bucciarati running your way with an umbrella and another one in his hand "Good you both didn't get caught in the rain' He sighed in relief.

You all walked back together happily in the rain.


He hissed at the rain and that confused you but when he looked in the window of a store he smirked "I look magnificent" He posed.

"Dad I'm cold," You told him, and he panicked.

He picked you up and quickly ran to the nearest shelter it was an underneath a building with a phone nearby, and he didn't want to have to call him but seeing you shivering made him do it.

"Hello I'm here" Johnathan waved at you two.

Dio sneered at him but you waved at him frantically.

Dio needed to use two umbrella like Johnathan because they have huge bodies and you sat on Dio's shoulder as you walked back and the rain didn't get anywhere near you.

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