You find your favourite food

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You like fish and chips and you guys never really have any because your dad says it's unhealthy but when you do you savour it. Once George discovered you love it so much he got the servants to get some every now and then for you.


"(name) try this" Caesar ordered something for you this is your first time in Italy.

"It's black?" You mumbled never seeing spaghetti like this before but once you tried it you loved it.

"Its the best!" You yelled while eating it quickly.

"Right!?" Your dad added eating the same thing Caesar sighed seeing that Joseph got it all around his mouth and you were the same.


You love eating sweets and so does your sister and when your dad goes to different places around the world for work he brings back a lot of new sweets you have never seen before.

"I can't eat this one it's a dolphin" You mumbled and then Jolyne ate the same sweet and you looked at her in horror.

"What?" Jolyne asked.

"The dolphin" You mumbled and your dad rubbed your back to comfort you.


You love crisps or any snack you can easily eat while playing video games with your dad.

Your mum comes home and sighs seeing you both surrounded by lots of wrappers and empty crisp packets she makes you both clean it up after your done.


You like ice cream and you eat it while you watch films with your mum she always has to eat while crying at sad films "Mum why are you crying to this?" You asked her.

"(name) it's so sad how aren't you crying?" She sniffed.

"Its the Bee movie" You sighed.


You love pizza it's what you always ask for dinner and your dad tries to convince you to eat more healthy things and you just always say it has tomatoes it is healthy enough.

The only pizza you never ate had pineapple on it and you just pushed it away and left it your dad was very confused.


You love cakes and anything that is like a cake you force your dad to try them as well and now he goes to the bakery to buy cakes for you both.

It's very cute seeing your dad enjoying a little cake and Giorno finds it very weird watching it.

Jojo daughter scenariosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora