Your disappointed in them

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"Dad he said something bad about you" You whined.

"He must have gone through a lot today and wanted to release some anger on me" He tried to explain.

"You should have punched him he said your annoying and your not! You're the kindest person I know" You told him.

"(Name) you should learn to forgive and forget" He held you by your shoulders "Thank you for being angry for me but I'm fine."

He left "Can we go punch that guy?" You asked your brother he nodded.

"We will be joining" Your grandad appeared with Dio who was acting like a tsundere.

"I'm the only one who can insult Jonathan" Dio explained his reason.


Your disappointed with him quite a lot and this was the biggest disappointments yet.

Even Holy was unhappy with him "I can date whoever I want" Holy complained.

Joseph gasped dramatically "NO!! You're to young! You kissed him on the cheek the next thing you will do is leave me for him!"

"She's not even a teenager yet!!" You yelled.

"(name) you won't ever leave me right?" He hugged you.

You could tell he genuinely cared about you two a lot and you just hugged him "I won't ever leave you even if I get a boyfriend" You reassured him.

He cried with joy.


You were ignoring him because your very disappointed with him.

He was very worried and so was Jolyne because your always all over him when he comes back from work.

You ignored him for another hour, and he bent down in front of you and looked you right in the eyes and you made a hmph sound and looked away everyone was shocked.

"What have I done wrong?" He asked.

"You didn't give me a welcome home kiss" You whined.

He sighed in relief "I'm sorry" He kissed you on the cheek "I'm home."

"Welcome home!" You exclaimed and hugged him, and he hugged back and smiled.


"You threw a controller at the tv breaking it because a turtle came up?" You asked Josuke.

"It came up so quickly it scared me" He explained.

"It was an ad to help save turtles, and they were just showing pictures" Jotaro explained and looked at Josuke disappointed "I hope you don't actually do that to turtles."

"That's not the problem," You told him and he raised his eyebrow at you "We can't play video games anymore" You complained Jotaro sighed.


"I'm sorry" Jolyne apologised.

"I'm not forgiving you that was my favourite, my dolphin" You pouted, and she felt horrible she had somehow accidentally thrown away your dolphin plush.

A knock came from the front door and Jolyne was relieved "You were quick" She opened it to show your dad covered in trash.

"I ran after it" Anasui held out your dolphin plush to you.

You smiled brightly and hugged it "Thank you!" He smiled happily because you are happy "Have a bath so I can give you a hug soon," You told him.

He ran upstairs, and he came down after like five minutes "That was quick" You commented as he tackled you into a hug.


You were out eating pizza with everyone and saw your dad walking towards you all, and he bumped into some ladies and he then flirted with them.

He waved bye to them and came and sat down next to you "Are you enjoying your pizza (name)?" He went to ruffle your hair but you moved back and everyone was shocked.

"What did I do wrong?" He asked and you pointed at the women and two butterflies landed on the table and turned into money.

"You shouldn't steal in front of her" Bucciarati scolded him.

"I'm disappointed you stole in front of other people your supposed to not let anyone see that's what you taught" You explained and Bucciarati stared at Giorno.


Some man accidentally bumped shoulders with Dio "Sorry" He apologised.

Dio was pissed he tripped him up and then stomped on his back "How dare you do that to me, Dio!" He exclaimed.

"Again?" You sighed and Dio turned his head to see Giorno holding your hand and shaking his head in disappointment.

Giorno started walking away to take you home himself "Wait!" Dio yelled and chased after you two.

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