You get a boyfriend/ girlfriend

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Your fourteen in this.


"Hey dad I want to introduce my s/o to you," You told him, and he was nervous.

"Okay" He sat there nervously fidgeting he looked adorable.

"Hello" Your s/o greeted him and Johnathan was very friendly they got along well it seems like you didn't have anything to worry about.

It did seem like that but there was Speedwagon he was glaring at the kid from around the corner he wants to make sure your s/o is perfect for you because "(name) only deserves the best" He was glaring at them the whole time.

Dio joined in at some point he wanted to make sure there wasn't some brat trying to take advantage of your kindness you are to kind like your dad.

The only time Speedwagon and Dio ever get along is for you.

Your s/o was terrified when he noticed them and Dio moved his thumb across his neck then pointed at them you both were concerned when your s/o hugged you tightly.


You knew it was gonna be a mess if you introduced them to Joseph so you wanted to keep it a secret for as long as you can.

You were both on a date but you felt like you were being stared at you looked behind to see two bushes walking and they both started panicking, then hit into each other and rolled into an alleyway.

"Let's cross the road quickly" You grabbed your s/o hand and quickly but safely crossed the road.

You were ready to quickly escape but then you heard a screech and a scream.

"Two bushes just rolled into the road and got hit by a car!" Someone yelled and you facepalmed.

You went over to see Joseph on his back whistling nervously and Caesar was waving at you nervously they are both covered in leaves "Do you know them?" Your s/o asked.

"This is my dad" You pointed at Joseph.

"You better be taking care of my precious daughter" Joseph hugged you "Or the car won't be hitting me next time."

"Dad!" You yelled.


It was going great.

Jotaro is glaring them down, and they are too nervous to speak it's better than you expected.

"If you hurt her I will snap your neck" Jolyne smiled at him and pulled you towards herself to hug you.

"Consider your life ruined if you make one wrong move" Jotaro threatened.

"I heard you like dolphins?" Your s/o asked him, you told them to learn about marine animals because it was the only way for them to stay alive.

But if they ever caused a single tear to fall down your face they will soon get a visit from Stone free and Star platinum because Jolyne, Jotaro and Star would never want to see you hurt ever.


"Dad this is my s/o" You introduced them.

Josuke was pouting confusing you "Your the one who is taking her away from me" He crossed his arms sulking like a five-year-old but it was oddly cute.

"She's going to grow up one day" Your mother added.

"No I don't want to lose my video game buddy!" Josuke whined.

"You can play online" She responded.

"Its not the same" Josuke pouted.

"I won't be leaving you for a long time" You hugged him, and he smirked at your s/o over your shoulder.

You then went off to help your mum with something "Hey brat if you hurt her I will break your neck and I won't fix it no matter how much anyone begs me to got it?" Josuke threatened him and your s/o nodded frantically.


You thought this would actually gonna go okay, oh how you were wrong your s/o is crying because of all the questions Anasui keeps throwing at them of how they treat you.

"Can you stop!?" You yelled.

"No you need a perfect partner like me and I'm gonna make them into one!" Anasui yelled.


Jolyne wasn't helping either she was just sitting there hugging you "I will cut off your tongue like Romeo if you try anything" She threatened.

"Who the hell is Romeo!?" You exclaimed.


They were surprised to hear you have an s/o because you never get to go out.

"Now please act normal don't scare them off they are really kind" You asked of them.

"Don't worry we won't and I will make sure no one does anything to embarrass you" Bucciarati reassured you.

"Thank you" You smiled at him and then let in your s/o and introduced them to everyone they were all kind to them.

"We are going to go on a date now" You took their hand and waved to the rest.

"Wait" Bucciarati got up and brushed your s/o shoulder then pat your s/o back "There was a bug" He explained.

You both left "Did you put it on them?' Giorno asked Bucciarati.

"I did" He nodded "Is the tracker working Mista?"

"Yeah" He answered and Narancia was watching the cameras in the area to watch you both.

"If they are suspicious at all or tries anything she doesn't want get rid of them," Giorno ordered, and they all nodded.


"Hey dad I want to introduce my s/o to you," You told him.

"Show me what pathetic thing is trying to take advantage of my daughter" He demanded.

"Dad seriously? Giorno help," You asked.

"We just need to make sure they are the right person for you" Giorno agreed with Dio for the first time in his life.

"Okay but no threatening them in front of me and no knives either" You told them well more Dio, and they nodded.

"Dad?" You looked to him.

"Fine" Dio groaned he threw all the knives onto the table there was about thirty you don't know where he hides them.

You opened the front door and let them in "This is s/o and this is my dad and brother" You introduced them to each other.

When Dio was about to talk you gave him a look of don't say anything bad.

He sighed he was about to threaten them "It's nice to meet you" Dio gave them the most awkward smile.

"Nice to meet you to" They replied then you went with Giorno to get some cake from the kitchen.

"You hurt her even a little consider your whole family and dog dead!" Dio threatened and took a knife out of his hair.

"Dad I told you not threaten him! And no knives!" You yelled.

"You said in front of you and you weren't here" He retorted all smug you sighed your dad is like a child at least your s/o is alive for now.

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