Your born

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"You're doing well" Jonathan is right by his wife's side supporting her all the way through.

He was smiling brightly when he heard the baby crying and you were given to him first because Erina fell asleep right after "It's a baby girl" The nurse told him.

Tears fell down his face "I'm gonna give you the best life my little princess" He smiled down at you.

He saw you have blue eyes and what seems to be a little bit of blonde hair.


Joseph is sitting there horrified remembering how bad childbirth is and his wife is screaming and is nearly breaking his hand he always thought she had no strength. Oh, how he was wrong.

He was so relieved when he heard your cries for the first time and Suzi was smiling happily that everything went well. The nurse handed you to your dad first because Suzi is too weak.

"So cute!" Joseph exclaimed making you cry.

"Ah! Sorry" He apologised and rocked you back and forth once he gave you to Suzi you stopped crying and fell asleep he pouted.

"Why does she do that just for you?" He complained but smiled in the end while admiring his new little girl he noticed you have brown hair and blue eyes.


He was trying to keep a straight face as his wife held his hand it was actually hurting him.

Everything went smoothly, and he said his signature yare yare daze as he heard you cry he got to hold you first, and he was very awkward trying to hold you gently he realised how fragile you are.

You stopped crying and looked up at him he was surprised by this, and he actually smiled.

You have black hair and green eyes just like him.


Josuke felt so bad for his wife all the pain she's going through, and he can't stop it he cried along with her. He was amazed once you were given to him he was very careful with holding you and panicked when you started crying he made funny faces, and he sighed in relief once you stopped crying.

He gave you to his wife and watched you two sleep peaceful with a huge smile on his face.

"Just like me" He commented because you have black hair and purple eyes just like him.


Jolyne has been screaming for hours on end and Anasui has been there supporting her all the way through it.

"I'm holding her first!" Jolyne shouted during it.

Once you were born you cried but not as loud as other babies do and was washed and then given to Jolyne.

"So cute" She commented seeing you have pink eyes and what looks to be black hair.


"Just hold on," He told his wife as she did the final push, and she breathed heavily afterwards.

Your cries echoed around the room "Its a girl" the nurse handed you to him.

"Shh," He told you as he put his forehead to yours and you went quiet and started poking his hair and looked at it like it's the most amazing thing in the world.

You and your mother fell asleep, and he sat there with you in his arms, and he admired your blonde hair and remembered how your blue eyes look just like his.


"I can't believe I'm here" Dio sighed and impatiently waited. People kept their distance from him.

"Excuse me are you waiting for her" The doctor pointed to the room she is in.

"Yes has she given birth yet?" Dio asked annoyed.

"I'm sorry she died during the birth we could only save the baby" The doctor bowed and Dio was left shocked.

"Where can I see my child?" Dio stood up.

"Over here" The doctor led him to the room where all the babies are kept and one of the nurses are holding you.

He saw you have his hair colour and eye colour "Your the only family she has left" The doctor informed Dio.

The nurse came out with you and he saw you smiling at him, and he saw himself in you he didn't have any family left and the Joestar family took him in. Dio decided he won't be like his father "Your coming with me."

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