Do you wanna know how I got this scar?

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"Dad, how did you get that scar?" You pointed at one on his arm.

"Oh, I jumped off a cliff" He answered.

You all paused then looked to Dio "I DIDN'T PUSH HIM AND HE SAID HE JUMPED!!" He screeched.

"My favourite photo of my you was blown away by the wind and I didn't even think" Johnathan laughed nervously as he explained and you hugged him.

"That's adorable but please don't sacrifice your life for a picture of me," You asked of him.

"Okay" He pat your head.


"I do suck" Dio smirked, you were left confused as Speedwagon chased him out of the house.


"Dad, how did you get that scar?" You asked pointing at a small one on his arm.

He smirked, "Well your amazing dad fought a dragon in the sky! I took him down with my bare hands and this scar is from where he tried to bit off my arm!"

Your expression showed that you can smell so much bull from every single word he just said so you looked to Caesar.

"He cut his finger while trying to make a hot pot" Caesar explained.

"How do you cut your hand doing that?" You asked.

"I don't know, he didn't even use a knife and came crying to Suzi asking her to kiss it better" Caesar shrugged while your dad sulked.


"Hey, dad how did you get this scar?" You pointed at one on his shoulder.

"Who did you fight?" Jolyne asked interested.

"I got stabbed multiple times by a floating elf" Jotaro answered.

You were both confused "Does Santa hate you?" You asked.


"Dad, how did you get this scar?" You pointed at one on his hand.

"I tripped" He answered.

"Oh, that's kind of boring" You hummed.

"Oh that isn't the end, I tripped on a skateboard then rolled into a fence, smashed through it, I then hit a tree got up but slipped on some mud, I hit a swing and once I got up I cut my finger on a leaf" Josuke answered.

"That was so long" Rohan mumbled.

"A leaf got you in the end?" You said confused.

"How does a leaf even cut you?" Jotaro asked.


"How did you get that scar?" You asked seeing one on your mum's finger.

"Scar!?" Your dad came running "WHO ATTACKED YOU!? I WILL KILL THEM!!"

"No, it was my own fault" Jolyne informed him.

"I will go kill our knives!" He decided.

"Dad that doesn't work that way" You sighed.

"It wasn't a knife it was safety scissors" Jolyne explained.

"How the hell did you do that? They have safe in the name" You said bewildered.


"Dad, how did you get that scar?" You asked.

Before he could answer the door to the office got taken down "WHAT SCAR!? WHO ELSE IS INJURED!!?" Bucciarati yelled with Mista under one of his arms, he was crying.

"We are fine" Giorno informed him "What happened to Mista?"

"He was playing something called the gun song" Bucciarati sighed as he put him down and you got them the medic kit that is used every few hours.

Bucciarati ruffled your hair when you gave it to him "I was doing the knife song but with a gun" Mista explained as he cried.

"We are getting rid of every single gun in this building" Bucciarati decided,

"Bucciarati, we are the mafia" Giorno sighed "Anyway to answer your question, I accidentally cut myself on some brick from the brick wall."

"We are getting rid of the whole building" Bucciarati picked you all up somehow.

"DON'T!!" You all yelled.


"Dad, how did you get that scar?" You pointed at the one on his arm.

He looked at it "Butter.." He then locked himself in his bedroom shocking you two.

"Butter? Was it that bad of a defeat he was traumatised by it?" Giorno asked.

"Let's go ask Uncle Johnathan" You decided.

You both visited him and asked about the scar "Oh he got that when we were young" He laughed nervously.

It was the start of storytime, when they were younger Dio wanted to defeat Johnathan and thought standing on a table would give him an advantage.

"I'm taller than you now!" Dio laughed from on top of the table.

"You should be careful," Johnathan said concerned.

"No! I'm going to defeat you!" Dio picked up a butter knife since there were no other knives nearby.

He went to jump off but tripped over a plate and fell off, he somehow cut his arm with the butter knife and was on the floor crying as Johnathan was panicking.

"A butter knife?" Giorno sighed.

"So that's why we don't have any at home, dad always said they were the most dangerous knife" You added.

Giorno took a butter knife back with him and pointed it at Dio making him back up into a corner and hiss at it.

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