Meet their stand/ see their power for the first time

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Your dad is floating on water "Yeah I don't think that's normal" You pointed it out to your brother, and he was shocked as well.

Jonathan panicked when he noticed you two and then fell into the water because he lost his focus.


You saw your dad staring at a bowl full of water, he then stuck his finger in it and pulled it back out the water is like jelly and it's stuck to his finger.

"Mum! Dad is doing some voodoo stuff!" You yelled.

"Wait (name)!" Joseph yelled and you went into the living room to see Caesar making bubbles with his hands.

"I'm done!" You yelled.


It manifested in front of you and your sister couldn't see it but you could and your dad was very shocked seeing you staring at Star.

Star got excited when he noticed you staring he hugged you and you looked like you were levitating to your sister.

It became a normal thing that star has cuddling sessions with you and Jotaro actually gets jealous sometimes he forces Star away from you and hugs you himself.


One of your toys broke, and he got Crazy Diamond to fix it but instead of you looking at your toy you were staring at Crazy Diamond.

You wanted to play with him but Josuke was too afraid he would hurt you and he just watched to make sure nothing happens then he got jealous and joined in and made Crazy Diamond disappear at some point so it was just you two.


"Mum explain" You demanded.

"Explain what?" She then dropped whatever she was holding to see Stone Free ruffling your hair.

She explained stands to you and that you most probably have one because you can see hers.


"Dad this weird person needs eye drops," You told him, and he turned to see Golden Experience Requirem.

"It's not a person," He told you and then explained stands to you and you were shown everyone else's stands.


"Dad your very sad," You told him as he walked off all cocky.

You like challenging him to different things one was to a race, and he uses his stand to stop time you have known about his stand for a long time because he always uses it to cheat.

Dio just can't let himself lose to a child even if it's his own daughter.

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