When you remind them of someone

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"You messed up your manners again dad," You told him and he fixed it.

"Sorry, father!" He apologised without even thinking and he then noticed it was you who said that.


"Bubble attack" You blew bubbles at him and Joseph watched you then run off.

"Caesar?" He mumbled.


"Dad you need to eat" You opened the door to his study, and he stared at you for a second.

"I will be there soon," He told you.

"Okay don't be late it's your favourite" You smiled and closed the door.

"Just like her" He mumbled and smiled to himself you remind him of his mother you act a lot like her.


"(name) you need to clean that all up," Your mum told you and you didn't reply.

"(name)!" She shouted.

"What? I can't hear you" You held up your hand to your ear.

Josuke was just watching this go down and you remind him of his dad Joseph he does that all the time.


Well it's easy to know who everyone compares you to you are literally a mini female Jotaro.

Your mum dropped some food she just made "Yare yare" You mumbled.

"Shut up dad!" She yelled then noticed it was you.


Your dad was stuck with some work and you are in his lap and read it you told him what he should put down.

"Thank you Bucciarati" He said then paused and looked down to you.


You're watching a movie with your family and something unfair is happening in it "That's mean" You pointed out.

"Shut up Jojo" Dio groaned and then looked at you.

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