They can't find you

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He was in full panic mode, and he ran around the place looking for you, Speedwagon was crying.

Only one person knew where you are and that was Dio he is sitting on the couch amused by seeing Jonathan in such a state "She was most probably kidnapped it seems like we won't be able to find her" Dio smirked, but he was then was shocked to see Jonathan had the angriest look on his face.

Jonathan doesn't get angry "I will hurt whoever laid a hand on her" He hissed it even scared Dio well only a little.

"Jonathan" Dio called him over and lifted up the blanket that is on his lap to reveal you sleeping on his lap.

Jonathan went to his knees and sighed in the relief you woke up to Speedwagon rubbing his face against yours crying "She's okay!"


He is having the biggest breakdown in his life.

He searched everywhere and called the Speedwagon Foundation to send out search teams to look for you. The whole city thought some big criminal got out of prison but it was just a man desperately trying to find his daughter.

"Where are my keys!?" He looked for them because he wanted to go out and look for you.

He moved a whole pile of plushes and then found you sleeping on the floor cuddling some of the plushes and his scarf.

He sighed in relief and then laid down next to you exhausted from worrying so much, and he fell asleep with you safe in his arms.


He is standing in the middle of the room and has looked around the house five times he is glaring at the floor because he can't find you.

Jolyne is crying because she can't find you either "I'm gonna kill whoever took her" Jotaro groaned, and he went to put on his jacket.

He picked it up to reveal you sleeping peacefully under it he sighed in relief and Jolyne hugged you "What?" You asked as you woke up.

Your dad hugged you as well and you were very confused.


Your dad can't find you he is running around the house and is crying, Jotaro and Joseph are over and are just watching him confused.

"Why are you running around and crying?" Jotaro asked annoyed.

"I CAN'T FIND (NAME)!!" He yelled and Jotaro got up to help him search.

Jotaro turned around for a second to see Joseph waving at him for some reason "Stupid old man" He sighed.

He wasn't waving at Jotaro he was waving at you because your hanging onto Jotaro's jacket.


"Grandad why are there police aiming their guns at us?" You asked while hiding behind him.

"I have no clue" Jotaro sighed and made sure your right behind him "Why are you pointing your guns at me and my precious granddaughter?"

"Granddaughter?" One asked, and he motioned for the rest to put their guns down.

He explained how your parents called them saying that you are was missing and witnesses said they saw a scary man with a little girl in the area so the police thought you were kidnapped by him.

"Dad why did you steal my daughter!?" Jolyne yelled and picked you up.

"You asked me to take her to the aquarium today," He told her.

"Oh yeah," She mumbled you both sighed.

Your parents are very forgetful.


They are all panicking they can't find you no one could even look at Giorno because he is seething with anger if anyone tried talking to him he would just yell at them and he never gets angry.

Giorno sat back down at his desk and his leg bumped into something he looked underneath to see you sleeping with a book in your hands.

He sighed in relief the others were confused to see he has calmed down Giorno carefully picked you up and put you on his lap "Hmm" You hummed and rubbed your eyes confused to see that most of them are on the ground crying in relief.


"WRRRRYYY!!" Your dad went off when he couldn't find you.

Jonathan was panicking as well, and they couldn't find Giorno either.

They heard the front door open and saw you both Dio tackled you both into a hug "What have you been!?" He yelled surprising you.

You trembled scared "This" You held up a wrapped box "It's for you."

Dio took it and looked at it then you both "Did you forget your own birthday?" Giorno asked.

Dio was shocked he never cared about his birthday he opened it to find a beautiful cake saying happy birthday from (name) and Giorno.

He put it to the side gently and hugged you both tightly "Don't worry me like that again and thank you both" This was the first time he ever loved a gift he got.

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