Your sent to the past

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A stand user sent you to the past.


You both landed on George your grandad, but he's much younger "Who are you?" George asked.

"Grandad?" Your brother asked and your grandad took a good look at him and realised he looks a lot like Jonathan.

You both explained what happened, and he just accepted it not wanting to get a headache and looked after you both.

"I'm home father!" Johnathan exclaimed and Dio followed after him.

"He's not buff," You said in awe, and they both looked at you.

You hid behind the railing of the stairs Jonathan came up to you "I'm Johnathan" He introduced himself and took a good look of you "You look like a friend of mine."

"Is her name Erina?" You asked.

"Yes it is do you know her?" He asked.

"I do very well" You smiled at him "And you should ask her out already."

"How did you know?" Johnathan blushed.


Holy and you landed on your grandmother knocking her to the ground "Who are you!?" Caesar yelled with a frightening glare aimed at you both.

Holy was close to tears and you quickly ran through his legs he looked down and you tripped him up and sat on his back and put some pressure on his neck to keep him down.

"HA!!" Joseph exclaimed, "You got beaten by a kid!"

"Dad?" Holy asked.

Everyone looked at her shocked "The stupid haircut it's definitely him but his fashion sense is terrifying" You sneered at him.

"What I look amazing?" Joseph told you.

"Mum jeans she's supposed to wear them" You pointed at LisaLisa.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Because she's your-" She covered your mouth before you revealed it.

"She's definitely yours" LisaLisa sighed and then carried you two away to spend some time together.

"Hey they are mine give them back!" Joseph yelled and ran after her.

Poor Caesar was very confused and left humiliated that a child knocked him down and that it's none other than Joseph's kid.


You're with Jolyne and you both got sent back in time and were sent into your dad knocking him over "What the hell!?" He shouted.

You were shaking scared and Jolyne yelled at him "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM DAD!?"

"Dad!?" The rest of the group yelled and you looked at them.

Joseph bent down and looked at you "This one looks a lot like you and the other one has your personality" Joseph laughed.

"Is Josuke around?" You asked.

"Josuke?" Kakyoin asked.

"Wait this must be the past they are younger so they wouldn't know about Joseph cheating" Jolyne explained.

"WHAT!?" The whole group yelled and Joseph used the Joestar plan.

"Well we need to get to a hotel how about you ladies come with us?" Polnareff asked.

Jolyne ran to Kakyoin and you ran behind Jotaro.

Kakyoin took Jolyne's hand, and they walked together. Jotaro sighed but picked you up and put you on his shoulders, so he didn't have to hold you in his arms.

You took off his hat and put it on your head while grinning.

He followed after the others and looked into a store window to see you looking around at things in awe and poking the hat up because it's too big for your head.

He smiled to himself happy to know he will have such cute daughters in the future.


You landed in the arms of Jotaro "Where did she come from?" Josuke asked him.

"Dad?" You asked.

"What!?" They all freaked out but Jotaro he just studied you.

"She's yours" He handed you to him "Look at her features."

"She is" Josuke mumbled "She's so cute!" He hugged you tightly.

"If you're from the future do you know who the murder is?" Koichi asked.

"Yeah some hand fetish guy," You told them.

"Guess she doesn't" Jotaro sighed and much later on they find out you were actually telling the truth.


You found yourself in a prison and ended up in some room with a piano. You recognised your parents and grandad, but they gave you a confused look.

"Who are you?" Jolyne bent down and asked.

You got out a keychain she gave you for your birthday with them all on it and you showed her it "YOUR MY KID!!" She yelled and fainted.

"Yare yare daze" Both you and Jotaro sighed then you both looked at each other.

Anasui came over and looked at your eyes "Please tell me I'm your dad" You showed him the keychain and he celebrated.


You fell onto Bucciarati's lap while they were all out at a restaurant and everyone freaked out Mista pointed his gun at you.

You froze and Bucciarati saw something in your pocket and took it out it's a picture of you all together "Your from the future?" He asked.

You nodded frantically "Giorno here" Bucciarati passed it to him and his eyes widened once he saw it and he then stared at you.

He smiled and ruffled your hair "I have a very cute daughter."


You and Giorno went back in time "Ha Jojo I will win this time!" Dio laughed and then you both landed on him making him fall over.

He sat up and glared at you two, tears started building up in your eyes and Dio felt really bad he was very confused with why he was feeling like this.

"Who are you two?" Jonathan asked.

"His kids from the future," Giorno told him calmly as he hugged you.

"That's impossible how can he have such cute kids!" Speedwagon yelled.

Dio just picked you both up and ran "Where are you going?!" Jonathan called after him.

"I'm going to take over the world with these two!" He laughed and everyone else ran after him to stop him.

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