Your sick

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Your mum found out you have a fever at breakfast, and she got your brother to take you to bed and your dad didn't do any work that day, so he could look after you.

Your mum got George to go out with her to get you some medicine Jonathan wanted to get the doctor to come and give you a check-up but Erina stopped him saying he is overreacting like that time when you got that small cut.


He put his hand to your forehead and then put you over his shoulder and you didn't have the energy to fight against him.

He put you into bed and then started freaking out "What do I need to do?! Is she gonna die?! I need to call Suzi!" He ran to find the phone and call her, but he couldn't reach her.

While he was panicking your sister Holy got you some medicine and water and then got a cloth to wet and put it on your forehead "Now just get some sleep" She gave you a warm smile.


He knew the instant you walked into the room you were sick "Room" He demanded and stood up himself.

You made it about two steps before you dropped and something purple caught you but you thought that you must be dreaming and ended up blacking out.

You woke up to a cold feeling on your forehead and you saw your dad reading a book next to you "Take your medicine and get some sleep" He demanded and you did just that.

You woke up sometime later and realised something and laughed he looked at you confused "You haven't moved from the first page," You told him, and he blushed and moved his hat down making you laugh even more.


He could tell there is something off with you he then understood what it was when you fainted.

He got you into bed and didn't know what to do next he gave you lots of packets of crisps and he called Yukako and Koichi for help.

Yukako slapped him for giving you junk food she ordered them to go buy medicine while she made you some soup.

You woke up to your dad sleeping by your side and a soup with a note next to it saying hope you get better soon.


You hid it very well, and they had no clue you have a fever you helped your dad with breakfast by getting out the plates but you got too dizzy and dropped the last plate making it shatter on the ground.

You held your head and your mum came over worried she picked you up and you blacked out.

You woke up to see your mum looking at you with relief she was worried that you might have a fever like the one she had when she was little she had to go to the hospital for it but yours was just a normal one.


He could instantly tell you were ill once you came down the stairs he picked you up, and took you back up and put you into bed, he got his phone out "I won't be coming in (name) is ill."

He made you soup and read a book while sitting on a chair by your side, so he could watch over you all day.

He kept losing his place in the book because he kept looking at you to see if you have got better yet.


You weren't eating your cake that Dio got you and he was staring at you finding it weird how your breathing was heavier than normal.

"(name)?" Giorno walked over to you and you looked at him with a flushed face and you fainted.

Giorno caught you so you didn't fall off the chair and Dio straight away put his hand to your forehead, and he picked you up and cursed at himself for not noticing that you're ill.

Giorno stayed by your side the entire time it seemed like Dio didn't really care, but he cracked the door open every ten minutes to see if you're okay and he kept pacing outside the door when he wasn't looking inside.

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