They do your hair

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He didn't really know what to do you just asked him to do your hair and you went to see your mum afterwards to ask how you look because you haven't looked in a mirror.

"Very cute" She laughed behind her hand and you looked into a mirror to see you have horribly done pinky tails.

You knew he tried his best, and he is hiding around the corner scared to see your reaction "I love it!" You yelled happily.

He had the biggest smile on his face and threw his arms up happily.


Joseph was very proud of how he did yours and your sister's hair.

"The best uncle is here!" Caesar yelled and you both ran to him.

"Did you two get attacked by something? Your hair looks horrible" Caesar asked concerned.

"LIKE YOU COULD DO ANY BETTER!!?" Joseph yelled at him.

Caesar took on that challenge and won he was like a professional hairstylist.


He is surprisingly good at doing your hair because he does Jolyne's hair all the time, and he did yours the same way he had a little smile on his face from seeing your huge smile.

You ran to show your sister "Sis look!" You yelled.

"Your the same as me!" She yelled excitedly.


He is awful at doing ponytails, so he thought of a different hairstyle to do for you.

"Jotaro how do I look?" You asked and he was just horrified.

"She looks amazing right?!" Josuke yelled.

He gave you his own hairstyle "Yare yare daze" Jotaro sighed and pulled down his hat.


She loves doing your hair and you do hers as well.

When your dad asks of you to do his for him you always say no.

"Why?" He asked with a pout.

"I like your hair as it is," You told him, and he was very happy.

"MY DAUGHTER LOVES MY HAIR!!" He shouted out of the window confusing you both.


He did your hair the same as his and everyone liked it. Bucciarati did the braid at the back and used one of the pins he wears in his hair for your hair.

Then Mista ruined it by putting his hat on your head messing up your hair and Bucciarati was just about to take a picture of you for the photo album.

Bucciarati ran after Mista to murder him.


He loves your hair because it's soft, and he styled your hair into a beautiful braid with flowers in it.

You found it amazing and gave him a big hug even Giorno was amazed and got Dio to do the same for him.

You then got some of the flowers that were leftovers and you put a flower crown on both your dad's and brother's heads.

They both hugged you Dio was looking away from you both so you didn't see the blush on his face.

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