You both trade bodies

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Johnathan is just sitting there quietly on the couch thinking about what just happened.

Your looking at yourself in the mirror to see your dad's face then you punched a wall and easily broke it "Being buff is awesome!"

"Jojo! Be quiet!" Dio hissed and came into the room and you hugged him.

Dio started hissing like a cat while your hugging him and Johnathan laughed nervously at the scene.


Your poking at your new man boobs and Joseph is pouting Ceasar finds it cute but only because he's in your body "Why are you pouting?"

"I miss my sword" Joseph whined.

"Sword?" You asked.

"I have conquered a lot of people with it," Joseph told you and he wasn't really thinking when he talked.

Joseph then noticed what he said "Stop talking about your sword no wants to hear about it" Ceasear groaned.

"Suzi couldn't stop tal-" Ceasar covered his mouth.


Your in Jotaro's body "We are going to the kitchen now" Jotaro told you with a frown on his face.

He was walking ahead of you "Sis why aren't you smiling?" Jolyne asked him concerned.

"Move it" Jotaro tried pushing her out of the way but it didn't work and he ended up falling back, he just stayed on the floor feeling defeat for the first time.

"Dad you did something didn't you?!" Jolyne yelled at you.

"I'm sorry" You apologised and were on the edge of tears.

Jolyne was so confused she couldn't even speak and just kept looking between you two "Yare yare daze," Jotaro said from the ground.


You both were panicking and then got distracted by video games no one could actually tell you two had traded bodies they only noticed that you both spoke differently.

"You should stop playing so much and at least brush your hair it looks horrible," Rohan told Josuke that is in your body.

Rohan was so confused by the glare he got back from him and went running out of the house past Jotaro and Joseph who were confused to see who they think is you chasing after him and Crazy Diamond appeared as well "MY DAUGHTER DOESN'T LOOK HORRIBLE AT ALL!!"

"There goes dad" You stood by the door and Koichi made an oh sound figuring out what has happened now.

"(name) you have grown" Joseph smiled at you.

"Yare yare daze" Jotaro pulled down his hat.


Your both on the couch wondering what the hell happened Joylne is coming up with many ideas like your both gonna become superheroes and it will be your super power to switch bodies with each other.

"Wouldn't that be cool?" She asked you excitedly.

"No" You answered wanting back your body.

She pouted and Anasui came home and he came over to you because he normally gives Jolyne a kiss "Those lips come never me I will kill you" You threatened.

He was shocked "Jolyne what did I do?" He asked with a pout.

"Nothing" Jolyne pat his leg because that's how high she can reach and he was shocked to see her smiling because you never smile.

He started to cry loudly making you sigh.


Your playing on the floor and now are looking at some paperwork you looked to the side to see yourself staring back at you "Weird" You mumbled and everyone looked over confused.

"We traded bodies" Giorno explained.

"STAND USER ATTACK!!" Bucciaraiti yelled scaring you and he ran out of the room.

Everyone went after him Giorno had you pick him up and put him on your lap he instructed you on what to write.

"I need a pen" You mumbled and looked for one on the desk.

"Your hair," Your dad told you.

You put your hand in one of the holes and pulled out a pen and started writing.


Johnathan is frightened right now he was playing with you but suddenly you started screaming wrry and muda everywhere but it's not actually you it's Dio.

Dio was trying his best to get away from him.

"WRRRRRYYY!!" Your brother heard and looked to you and you smiled nervously because your very confused at what just happened to you.

"Sis?" He asked and you nodded.

Dio finally came in and clung onto your leg while hissing at Johnathan "Come on (name) I don't know what I did wrong let's just make up with a hug" Johnathan said with a sad smile.

You hugged him and he was very confused.

Speedwagon fainted seeing you hug him because Dio is hugging Jojo to him and that would never happen.

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