You see them doing something dumb

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You were with Dio in the kitchen and saw Johnathan come along he looked tired he poured himself a glass of water and drank it then he tried to put it on a side but the glass was too tall.

"Dad the glass is too tall" You pointed out as he tried doing it again.

"Oh," Johnathan mumbled.

"Getting slow there Jojo" Dio laughed.

You both then saw Johnathan spill some of the drink into the sink and tried to put it on the same spot again "Dad what are you doing?" You asked.

"I spilt out some of the drink so why can't it fit?" He asked.

Dio was actually a little concerned while you dragged Johnathan off to bed since his brain has stopped working.


Joseph is crying while you sighed and Caesar just facepalmed "How did you even get one?" You asked.

"I don't know it's attached to me I know I'm sexy but I don't like this!" Joseph yelled.

"Its an octopus of course it's going to get attached to you" You started to pull it off along with the help of Caesar.

Joseph then rolled away once it was off "I hate tentacles!"

"I WILL KILL YOU JOESTAR!!" The octopus yelled.

"Kars?" You all just looked at him confused then threw him out a window.


"I feel sorry for him" You mumbled.

"I find it funny and he's suppose to be smart" Jolyne giggled at Jotaro's frustration.

Jotaro is trying to play a video game but his character isn't moving at all and he keeps getting killed he doesn't know the controller isn't attached to the box so it doesn't have any power.

When you were about to tell him about it you saw Star take the controller and try he was then on the edge of tears.

"Its not attached!" You panicked.

Star was hugging you after Jotaro told you he called you his hero and Jotaro happily played the game and brought you another dolphin plush later as thanks.


He's pretty much does mostly dumb stuff so there are many times you can think of that just make you want to facepalm.

Here's one of them "Where are they!?" Josuke yelled.

You and your mum looked to each other confused he sounds very angry "Dad what's wrong!?" You yelled.

He came running over "Do you know where my shoes are?" He asked.

You looked down then facepalmed "Dad your wearing them" You informed him.

"Oh, I found them! Thanks!" He ruffled your hair then walked off happily.

"He be dead without us" You and your mum mumbled.


"You don't have one Josuke it won't magically appear" Your mother sighed and he pouted.


"The car has been stolen!" Jolyne ran in.

"What?" You asked.

"I just got the bus home from work and the car isn't in the driveway" She explained.

You groaned as she gave you a confused look because you aren't panicking "Mum how did you get to work?" You asked.

"By car" She explained she took a second to think"Oh the car is at work, I'm gonna go get a bus there."

She walked out "Why did Jolyne leave?" Your dad whined when he came downstairs.

"She forget the car at work again" You explained.


"Hi dad" You answered the phone in the office he said he would call after he finished his job.

"You doing well?" He asked.

"Yeah" You answered then heard him groaning "You coming back now?"

"I will once I find my phone" He answered and you were very confused "Where is it?"

"Dad, what is in your hand?" You asked.

"Hmmm, my pho-! Oh..." He went quiet.

"No more late nights your going straight to bed when we get back" Bucciarati demanded.

"But it's 12-" You heard Giorno try to retort but he went quiet Bucciarati must have given him his normal mother glare.

Giorno took a nap when he came back and Bucciarati sat nearby by making sure he stayed asleep.

Mista and Narancia joined in on the naptime to since they thought it was an earlier sleepover.


"Good dammit get out!" You heard Dio yell downstairs.

Giorno sighed "Let's go see before he takes out the windows with a road roller again" You both went downstairs.

"Are you serious?" Giorno asked seeing Dio putting a fork in a toaster.

"What my toast won't come out!?" Dio yelled then threw the toaster it broke a window.

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