What was the last crime you committed in a game?

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"What was the last crime you committed in a game?" Dio asked you.

"(name) couldn't commit a cri-" Johnathan went to say.

"Killing a man with a fish" You answered.

They were confused and Johnathan was more interested than horrified "What are you playing?" Speedwagon asked.

"Hitman" You answered.

"A fish?" They mumbled.

"Can you use a road roller?" Dio asked interested.


"What was the last crime you committed in a game?" Joseph asked you as he poked you trying to get your attention.

"Murdered a whole race just because I wanted to go home" You answered.

"Undertale?" Caesar guessed and you nodded.

"She's just like me!" Joseph hugged you.

"Kars is still alive sadly" Caesar sighed.

"JOJO!!" An ostrich came through the window you went to get the spray bottle again to get rid of him.


"What was the last crime you committed in a game?" Jolyne asked you bored.

"Animal cruelty and abduction" You answered horrifying her and Jotaro.

Jotaro's mouth actual fell open "Star helped me with it to" You added.

Jotaro looked to Star, and he nodded happily "What game?" Jolyne asked.

"Pokemon" You answered.

"Oh" They both let out.

"He helped me get a seal" You explained and Jotaro looked over interested in the game now.


"What was the last crime you committed in a game?" Rohan asked interested since he wanted to know more about video games.

"Avoiding debt and possibly murder very soon" You groaned as you continued playing the game and Koichi gave you a confused stare.

"Kidnapping and ransom money will be added to it to" Josuke added.

"Good plan" You grinned.

"The hell are you playing?" Your mum asked.

"Animal crossing" You both answered.


"What was the last crime you committed in a game?" Jolyne asked seeing your playing a game.

"I killed Satan with my tears" You answered making her pause.

"Are you okay!? Why were you crying!? Do you need a hug!?" Anasui was already hugging you.

"That's what you got she was talking about satan?" Jolyne sighed "What game is it?"

"Binding of Issac" You answered as you pat your dads head he's now crying.


"What was the last crime you committed in a game?" Mista asked you as you played a game together.

"Drowning or was it arson, there was also starvation, electrocutio-" You started to list them all off.

"What are you letting her play?" Bucciarati asked he suddenly appeared scaring Mista.

"ITS JUST THE SIMS!!" Mista cried.

"We put you all in it" You explained.

"Don't kill us" Abbacchio spoke up as Narancia had a go on the game.

"Don't wor- oh Narancia just died" You mumbled.

"I accidentally electrocuted myself again" Narancia whined.


"What was the last crime you committed in a game?" Giorno asked you.

"Deforestation, enslavement, homicide it was pretty much self-defence, using explosives, Arso-" You listed off the crimes and stopped when you felt Dio patting your head.

"Your going to rule the world one day," Dio said proud of you.

"What game are you playing?" Giorno asked.

"Minecraft" You answered.

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