You cook together

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You both had a try at making cookies and had icing to write things on them.

You gave them out to each person you made one for and Dio was the last person, and he was shocked to see you holding one out to him.

He took it and enjoyed it "Don't tell anyone I like sweet things okay? And it was delicious" He ruffled your hair.

He didn't know your dad and grandad watched this go down and found it adorable.


You both had a go at making cookies you both did well with making the cookie dough.

"Dad" You got his attention and showed him the empty bowl.

"Where is it?" He asked.

"In our stomachs" You answered you both couldn't resist eating the cookie dough it tastes to good.


You were trying to chop up some vegetables and Star wanted to show you how to do it the right way. Your dad watched and then was concerned when Star didn't pick up a knife and punched the vegetables crushing them and even making some of it go on to the ceiling.

Your sister walked in confused she can't see Star and your just making a punching motion while Star nodded his head saying a happy tone ora.

"Yare yare daze" Your dad sighed but smiled from seeing how happy you are.


Your mum came back to see the house is a mess seriously you guys were cooking in the kitchen so how did the toilet explode?

"I think we actually made something good it doesn't look burnt" Josuke showed you some of the food you both made.

"No it's green that's definitely mold how did we make that?" You asked confused and he shrugged.


You both made a cake and decorated a side of it each she made one side pink and added parts reminding you of your dad and you made your side of sea animals.

You both showed it off to your dad and grandad they both chose the side that pretty much represents them and then nearly puked when they tried it.

"WHAT IS IN THIS!?" Jotaro yelled your mum gave him the recipe.

"This is the groceries list," Your dad told her and facepalmed.

"I did find it weird that we put tomatoes in a cake and fish" Your mum mumbled and your grandad and dad sighed.


He's perfect at everything but you found out he is awful at one thing.

"Dad the food is fully brunt and is giving off some weird aroma," You told him.

"Just try it, it will be the best food you ever had" He reassured you.

You took one bite and fainted after that Bucciarati never let Giorno near a kitchen ever again and you made sure to keep your distance away from him when he has food just in case he made it.


"You wanna make a cake?" Dio asked you and you immediately jumped and hugged him.

"Yes!" He laughed at your excitement.

You both made a pretty good cake and had Giorno try it "Which layer do you think is better?" Your father asked.

"The first layer is good the bottom is terrifying is that a tooth in it?" He asked.

"It adds flavour" Dio explained.

"No thanks" Giorno took the top layer off and threw the bottom layer in the bin he ate just the top layer.

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