You go up against each other in a fighting game

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You were both playing and Erina and your brother George were watching they didn't want to pick a side and couldn't pick one anyway.

"Why aren't you both moving?" George asked you both have only punched each other once.

"I don't want to hurt her" Jonathan answered.

"I was taught to not use violence unless I have a reason," You told him.

Jonathan was proud of you and ruffled your hair "His character took your favourite food" George told you.

"Die" You beat up the character and it was brutal.

Jonathan had his mouth gaping open from the brutality "No one takes my food" You put the controller down and went to get some food.


Joseph sucks at this and is just screaming at the tv as he loses "Why do I suck at this? I'm so good at fighting in real life I have defeated powerful people" Joseph complained.

"You mean the stripper unicorn Aztec fitness gods?" You asked.

"Yeah" Joseph answered on the floor defeated as you killed his fighter again.


Jotaro is just learning how to do this and your teaching him "That was brutal" Your sister commented on a finisher attack.

"I have done that to someone before" Jotaro added.

You both looked at him shocked and he froze.

"Tell me how?" Jolyne asked interested.

You didn't want to hear and Star noticed and picked you up and took you away.

You took this chance to have him help you reach up onto the counter in the kitchen because from your height you can't reach anything.

You were able to get some cake and ate it your dad came in sometime later to see your hands and mouth covered in cake and Star has some on his face and hands as well he sighed.


The fights get really close and intense because videos games are your life.

"A draw!?" You both shout as both your fighters knocked each other out at the same time.

"This is the third time" You sighed.

"We don't have an more crisps" Josuke pouted.

"We need money should we try a gaming competition?" You asked and he grinned.

You both won and brought loads of crisps.


Your not very good at video games and your mum keeps beating you and cheering "So I am better than you at something it's a surprise that it's to do with fighting" Jolyne smirked.

"Fighting someone is easier in real life" You sighed remembering when you beat up a bully, Jotaro taught you how to fight.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing," You told her and the game began you quickly went at her fighter, and she panicked.

"Not fair!" She whined.


You were playing the video game together and Mista is teaching you both the controls but the controllers were taken out of your hands.

You looked up to see Bucciarati "Why?" You asked.

"You shouldn't be showing her violent things like this" He scolded Mista and Giorno.

"But your all the mafia isn't violence part of the job?" You asked.

He was silent "Well you have us you don't need to be violent."


He is annoyed that he is losing "COME ON!!" He yelled as you defeated his fighter again.

You started another game and Dio wasn't saying anything and then you heard a snapping sound and saw his controller is broken and the punch button is pushed all the way in.

"You paused time and mashed the button didn't you?" You asked and he didn't say anything.

Giorno was just shaking his head.

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