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Once Jonathan found the note he got Speedwagon and Dio as back up.

He went to the place that was written on the note "Did you bring the money?" They had tape over your mouth and you're tied up.

"Yes now give me my daughter" Jonathan demanded and you have never heard your dad speak in such a sinister tone.

"Well you took a long time so we need to do something to your precious daughter to make it even" The guy smirked and your dad went red with rage.

"Dio!" He yelled and the men were taken down quickly you only saw a little bit as your dad beat the men with Dio.

Someone covered your eyes and its Speedwagon "A lady such as yourself shouldn't see this."

You were handed to your dad once everything was over, and he brought you back your mum was crying and so was your brother they were so relieved to see you don't even have a scratch on yourself.


"We are gonna make a lot of money off her" The men who kidnapped you were celebrating how easy it was to take you away.

"Yeah, how much do you want from me?" You saw your dad come into the room laughing with a big cocky smirk on his face.

"Oh like..." The men paused shocked, and they all attacked your dad but he easily kicked them down.

Joseph walked over to you and carefully untied the ropes and checked you over with a worried expression then sighed in relief when he saw your okay.

"Here" He gave you your teddy you dropped "Let's get ice cream!" He yelled.

"Yeah!" You agreed.


They tied you up, in a van and drove to an alleyway to hide "Now let's see if she has a stand power" One came up to you and you kicked at them.

"Oi stop it!" He yelled and then you felt the van move "What's going on!?" The guy yelled at the driver.

"The van is levitating!" He panicked.

"What!?" He yelled and opened the door at the side, and he was pulled down and he screamed.

All the other men jumped down but you only heard screams even the driver jumped out and you heard him scream not long after.

The van was put down gently and your dad walked in you can see his knuckles have blood on them he came over and Star appeared and moved around you quickly checking you over.

"Calm down" Jotaro demanded and untied you and picked you up "Let's have lunch and you can have whatever you want" Jotaro held you with a tight grip.


"He found us!" One of the men came into the room they are keeping you in.

"Damn how!?" Another yelled.

Before the guy could answer he was punched by Crazy Diamond the other one panicked "Hey it's just a joke she's right there in one piece" He smiled nervously.

"Good sadly you won't be in one piece when I'm done with you" He smirked and went for the guy Koichi and Yukako ran inside and quickly got you out.

Josuke came out after he was done and hugged you while crying he was happy your okay "I have never seen you so angry" Yukako said honestly.

"I don't get angry often but if someone insults my hair I beat them up but if someone wants to hurt my daughter I will kill them" He answered with a stern look and you felt safe with him.

"Let's get you some sweets and don't tell Mum or Jotaro or nan or Joesph anything or I will be killed," He said while a shiver went down his spine imaging if they found out this happened.


You were thrown into a van they tied you up as they drove away, and they stopped sometime after. They were talking about how a pretty face like yours would sell for a good price.

Then a string came into the van and it looks to be floating it then wrapped itself around all of them making freaking them all out. The door to the van slammed open to reveal your dad with the angriest expression.

He untied you and picked you up and your mum came in concerned they checked you over and saw you were fine.

They took you outside of the van "Stay here for a second sweetie" Your mum smiled at you and closed the door to the van.

You could hear the yells from the men as your mum and dad beat them up, and they seemed very satisfied when they came out.


The group who kidnapped you are people who want your dad dead, and they were talking about a plan until they heard screams.

They were getting less faint and you could hear someone near the door there was a knock and no one dared to move.

Bullets came through the door with Mista's stand on them, and they hit the men while one broke the rope that tied you up.

You ran and one man tried to grabbing you but stopped as soon as your dad came in and took you into his arms he was glaring at the man.

The man fell to the ground unconscious "Sorry it took us so long to get here but you're safe now" Your dad hugged you to his chest and left the room to let the rest of the group torture those men.


"We are sorry please stop!" You heard yells and screams of pain and the people who are making sure you don't run are getting very nervous.

The door to the room were suddenly gone like it just disappeared and then something covered your eyes "Don't worry it's me your uncle" Jonathan reassured you.

He untied you while you promised to keep your eyes closed "(name)" Dio picked you up and you could feel he was very tense but once he held you for a couple of seconds he sighed in relief.

When he was taking you home he had the biggest smirk on his face and you both ate the cakes when you got home.

Your dad and brother made sure to keep an eye on you and glared any person that got close to you.

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